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 XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012

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P.R Son
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P.R Son
P.R Son

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Join date : 2011-02-03
Age : 31

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2012 6:00 pm

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 WvcAu

Live From - Las Vegas, Nevada In The MGM Grand Garden Arena

Deadline - 5:00 PM EST

Arena For Matches - SummerSlam

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Fe6Pi
JBL Vs A midget

A. Steel Cage Match

B. No Disqualification Match

C. Parking Lot Brawl

This isn’t the most traditional of matches but as JBL is going to find out tonight, sometimes challenges come in all shapes and sizes and when you have to defend your honor, your manhood and your pride, sometimes it really doesn’t matter if the other guy only comes up to your kneecap. As a man you simply have to do what you have to do to assert your dominance and to keep your spot on the ladder. That’s the mentality the midget has going into this match because when JBL brought him on a few weeks ago and then made a fool of him, the midget realized right then and there that he had to show JBL that he was more than a pretty face. Midge challenged the self-proclaimed Wrestling God to a match at Digital Decision and though many guffawed and were ready to boycott XWL for having the audacity to put this kind of a match on a card that they paid to see, there were some who were glad that Midge was getting his chance at redemption… at glory. Those were the people that ran and voted for the DQ Match or Parking Lot Brawl because a weapon can make even the smallest man look like a giant and the last thing they would want to do is lock him in a cage where it would take him three times as long to climb out. These people saw themselves as the midget…. they saw themselves as the little guy being constantly picked on by the big bully whether it be at school work or at home, and a victory for him would be a victory for all of them. But they must realize that JBL is a veteran and it won’t be an easy fight, but if he underestimates Midge and doesn’t take this match seriously, then he can find himself on the wrong end of an upset.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 5tvH9XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 YtVGt
Matt Morgan Vs Kurt Angle

A. First Blood Match

B. 15 Min Ironman Match

C. Extreme Rules Match

Kurt Angle was attacked so long ago we sometimes forget it even happened, but to him it’s still real and the beating he received is as vivid in his mind as if it happened just yesterday. Matt Morgan surely wishes that he could have been the one to deliver that beating yesterday because for weeks Angle has accused him of being the man being the attack and stuck to that belief no matter how hard Morgan tried to plead innocent. Morgan showed up out of the blue during Angle’s match against JBL and from that moment on Kurt Angle was convinced that Morgan was the man. And from that moment on Angle has done anything and everything, from kicks to the nuts to appearing on another brand, in order to avoid a confrontation with Matt Morgan who felt that a match between the two was the only way to clear his name and to show Angle that he isn’t as great as he thinks he is… at least not anymore. But Kurt Angle is a man who likes to live in the past and he’ll never hesitate to remind you about the time he won a gold medal for his country with a broken freakin’ neck, but as far as Matt Morgan is concerned Angle is no longer the American Hero, but a Zero and coward who won’t man up and face him in the ring. At least that was the way it seemed until Angle revealed in what he thought was a shocking twist that he wanted the match all along and he along with his buddies loved watching Morgan beg. But at Digital Decision Angle may be the one begging for mercy as Morgan takes out a month’s worth of aggression and frustration on him in one of three matches that each require a completely different strategy but either of them will give Morgan or Angle the victory they seek.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 IATqSXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 ZJy18
Trish Stratus Vs Mickie James

A. No KO Match

B. Pinfall Only

C. Falls Count Anywhere Match

Trish Stratus and Mickie James are considered two of the best women to ever lace up a pair of boots and step into the ring, but as for who is better between the two? That has yet to be decided as of right now because almost every match between these two divas has resulted in some kind of a draw, leaving the title of ‘Best Women Wrestler’ up for grabs for just a little bit longer. From double count outs, to double knock outs, these two have gone to war numerous times on live pay per view, on free television and even on house shows, only for things to end in a stalemate time and time again without satisfaction of having one of their arms raised in victory. At this point the people just want to see someone win, and if it takes one more epic contest between the two to decide who is better once and for all, then so be it, any match that features Mickie James and Trish Stratus is bound to be stellar. Digital Decision has provided the people with the power to choose the match in which these divas will wrestle their potentially final bout and the options chosen have made incredibly difficult for a clear winner not to be decided this time around. No KO, Pinfalls Only, and Falls Count Anywhere all ensure that the issues that have plagued the divas before won’t come back to haunt them again, and they won’t have to worry about their match ending prematurely. And three of these options give them the chance to wrestle for all long as it takes and whether that be 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour or something beyond, we’ll be treated for a treated because it’s almost guaranteed that both women will put it all on the line to achieve the victory that has eluded them so well in this rivalry of theirs.

Triple Threat Match

Which Band was better? Winner decides the match stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 5bSQuXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Lrm56XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 XQz4l
Alex Shelley Vs Chris Jericho Vs Mr. Parks

A. The High Crusade ( Alex Shelley Picks )

B. Fozzy ( Chris Jericho Picks )

C. Neither They Both Were Bad ( Mr. Parks Picks )

Alex Shelley came up with the idea for the X-Treme Championship Series after Final Stand IV, but before he could make it to the end he was beaten down by a man he couldn’t identify and was forced to relinquish his spot in the series. Gone for weeks, Shelley suddenly made his return and took out Chris Jericho backstage. Although Shelley didn’t see who his mystery assailant was, he was convinced that Jericho was the man who ruined his chance at reclaiming the X-Treme Championship. Shelley heard that Jericho was on Redemption the same night he was attacked ironing out the details of a new contract and that was all Shelley needed to confirm his suspicions. Shelley accused Jericho of being jealous of the way Shelley’s been able to be a better Y2J than the man himself, down to the band, and Jericho deemed Shelley as nothing but a wannabe. These two men went head to head at Unforgiven and just when it looked like a match was what the doctor ordered in terms of solving their issues, the lights went out before a winner could be declared and when they came back on, both men were out cold. A mask lay between the two making Mr. Fn their first suspect. Mr. Park, the closest they could get to Fn, denied any involvement until one week he broke down and admitted to everything, including the attack on Shelley before Bad Blood. Parks begged for forgiveness, but it is doubtful that Shelley and Jericho would be so willing to let things go, and it’s even more doubtful that Jericho will let go the fact that Shelley falsely accused him. In this triple threat match, scores will be settled and depending on which back you thought rocked the hardest, one of these men will get the chance to choose the match the three will compete in. What match will the arrogant Jericho, the quirky Shelley or the conflicted Parks choose? We’ll just have to wait to find out.

Extreme Rules Match

X-treme Championship

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Xtremetitle

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 SgzHRXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 CTbPS
Ezekiel Jackson Vs Zack Ryder (C)
Ezekiel Jackson fought hard in the X-treme Championship series and after a month of nothing but Extreme Rules matches he stood tall at the end with the X-treme Championship in his possession. The Personification of Domination was proud, he was excited and he was ready to show everybody just how dominant he could be as a champion, but in his first title defense he lost to the man they call Zack Ryder ending Zeke’s reign before it even got the chance to grow. Ryder was building up quite a following for himself thanks to the help of his entertaining web show: Z! True Long Island Story and he used the power of twitter and various other social media outlets to get the X-treme Title matches and once he got it he knew what to do with it. After the stunning loss, Zeke didn’t know what to do himself, from isolating himself in him locker room to snapping at interviewers, the man was on a rampage as he cried for a rematch week after week. Well now here at Digital Decision he’s getting that rematch, against the same man that took the title away from him! Ryder has proved himself to be a competent and worthy champion, but Zeke feels that its only because they were keeping him away from the title for so long. In one of the few matches the fans have no control over, these two know what they’re in for and they know the lengths they have to go to get the win and get the title. But this isn’t the only match Ryder and Zeke will find themselves in tonight, and in an extreme rules match definitely isn’t where you want to find yourself on a night where you’re pulling double duty, but sometimes things like that have to be done to show that you deserve your spot on the ladder and that you’re willing to put your health at risk to climb a rung higher.

Who Will Face Mr. Anderson?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 1BwNyXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 CkHYF
Mr. Anderson Vs

A. Dude Love

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LTlPk

B. Cactus Jack

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 VSPiU

C. Mankind

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 NeCDE

Mr. Anderson made his return after a few weeks of being missing in action and immediately set his sights on Breakdown’s General Manager: Mick Foley. Anderson doesn’t like how Foley panders to the crowd and blames the people for the lack of things Foley has been able to accomplish compared to the likes men who have been able to put themselves first every now and then. Anderson saw Foley as a man who came out week after week trying hard to keep himself relevant and in the spotlight and he declared himself the one who is going to take Foley out once and for all. Foley is no stranger to being the target of a Breakdown superstars’ ire. Cody Rhodes and his Resistance actually got him out of his general manager’s job, but Foley got rid of them and now that Anderson has stepped out of line, Foley’s going to put him in his place too. But this time around Foley doesn’t have to deal with five renegades, and this time he doesn’t have Edge to back him up. Foley realizes that this is a battle that he has to fight himself to show Anderson that he still has it…. though it isn’t a battle that he has to fight as himself. At Digital Decision, Foley will seek the aid of one of his past personas to help him take Anderson to school, but Anderson has been preparing himself for all three and he is ready for whichever the people send his way. The three different versions of Mick Foley: Cactus Jack, Mankind and Dude Love and all unique and all ready for a fight, and if Anderson thinks either one of them will be a walk in the park then he’s in for a rude awakening. Foley isn’t known for making life easy for his opponents, nor is he known for his clean technically sound wrestling matches. Anderson was looking for a fight and he is no doubt going to get more than he bargained for.

15 Min Ironman Match

XWL 15 Title

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 VZRPt

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LYcQLXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Fe6Pi
Christian Vs JBL (C)

Christian has decided that one title match wasn’t enough so he decided to throw his name in for another, but if Captain Charisma isn’t careful his risky gamble may leave him with zero titles instead of two. JBL has his fight with a midget to worry about while Christian’s big defense against Davey Richards has to be creeping somewhere in the back of his mind, but in this match they need to focus on each other and leave everything else on the stage because they need to put everything they have into those 15 minutes to prove why they deserve to be XWL 15 Championship. JBL recently won the medal after defeating the red-hot Alex Riley in what was an intense match-up and now the man who considers himself to be a Wrestling God will show that he will be one of the most dominant men to hold that medal , starting with his first defense against Christian. But Christian is no rookie and he’s been around long enough to see guys talk the talk and in this match he’s going to make it his mission to see if JBL can walk the walk. Both of these men are looking to obtain the same prize but only one can get it and after what could potentially be the longest 15 minutes of their lives, only one will stand victorious at the end of things with the medal in their possession. This is another match where the fans had no say in how things played out, which means Christian and JBL don’t have to worry about being surprised, they just need to worry about being victories. So can JBL do it? Can he show that Alex Riley was merely the first victim on what will be a growing list of many? Or will Christian make history as the first man to hold both the Intercontinental Tile and XWL 15 medal? …. Even if it’s just for one night.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 VbKO8XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 3weKW
John Cena Vs Sheamus

A. Tables Match

B. Ladder Match

C. Irish Street Fight

At Unforgiven, John Cena failed in his attempts to best The Corporation and then he suddenly found himself back on Redemption where he vowed to make this run count and promised that he would hold championship gold sooner rather than later. But on what was supposed to be a wonderful night, things quickly went south and Cena was the recipient of his own finishing move in what a cherry on the top of a sick backstage assault. As Cena began trying to figure out which man would want to make him a target, Sheamus interrupted him putting him at the top of Cena’s list. Sheamus was back and he was ready to make his run in XWL and on his way to the top he was going to take out guys like Cena who aren’t man enough to hang with the likes of him. Sheamus denied having any involvement in the attack but security footage proved otherwise, and Sheamus quickly realized that an angry John Cena is not someone that you want to mess with. Cena is ready for a fight, Cena is ready to show the world that he will not lay down and let someone else step on him, Cena is ready to show Sheamus just what happens when you think you can use the Leader of the CeNation as the envelope to send his message in. These two men have scrapped on a number of occasions from inside the arena to at an autograph signing and now at Digital Decision, the people have the power to choose whether the two compete in a tables, ladder or Irish Street Fight, and with all the bad blood that been accumulated over the weeks things are going to get violent, brutal and heated and that bad blood is going to spill. Neither Cena nor Sheamus are going to go easy on each other and it may be safe to assume that neither man would want to have it any other way.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 NYWtuXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 E17kN
Kaitlyn Vs Michelle McCool

A. No Countouts Match

B. Submission Only Match

C. Strap Match

These two ladies probably can’t wait to get into this ring and tear each other apart after all they’ve been through over the months. Michelle hurt Kaitlyn’s friend Kelly Kelly, and didn’t give a single damn about it and even bragged and prided herself over what she did. But Kaitlyn didn’t like that one bit and after taking a quick break from XWL, she resurfaced on Breakdown ready to avenge the injury to one of her pals, but Michelle didn’t make life easy for her at all. Repeated attempts to get Mick Foley to fire Kaitlyn fired have failed again and again and when the two finally went up against each other at Unforgiven it was Kaitlyn who walked out the winner… after grabbing the ropes. Kaitlyn claims that she didn’t do anything that Michelle wouldn’t, and although true, that was the perfect set up for Michelle to get the rematch she wanted so that she can put Kaitlyn in her place once and for all. Michelle still feels like she is the top diva in XWL, and beating Kaitlyn tonight will put her on the right path to hold divas gold again. However, these three potential matches won’t make life easier for either of them and they’ll have to really dig down deep to survive this encounter and get the win. From a No Countouts Match, to Submission Only to a Strap Match, these ladies are going to leave Digital Decision with welts, bruises and scrapes but all the pain and suffering will be worth it in the end if they can come out of top. McCool said that all three matches play in her favor and that regardless of which is picked she’ll have the advantage, so now it’s up to Kaitlyn to shut McCool up once and for all, and maybe even get her to apologize when things are all said and done.

Who Faces Triple H?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RzgaL
Triple H Vs

A. The Rock

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 ClcbI

B. Vince McMahon

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 HQPeO

C. The Rock & Vince McMahon

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 ClcbIXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 HQPeO

Triple H’s rivalry with Brock Lesnar has put him through a lot. He’s been F’5 he’s been viciously attacked and worst of all he’s been fire, but no matter what The Game always found a way to bring the fight and the events over the last few weeks prove just that. Triple H made his grand return but would have been a perfect re-emergence ended on a sour note as Triple H struck CM Punk with his trusty and possibly rusty sledgehammer instead of his intended target: Brock Lesnar. But last week, Triple H got his man and a Pedigree through the announcers table was one of the many things done to remind Brock and the rest of XWL why he is the King of Kings. But that wasn’t the end of the story, in fact this could only be the beginning because Triple H could have jumped right of the frying pan and into the fire. While he was away, Brock Lesnar aligned himself with The Corporation, and when Triple H took out their muscle man, The Corporation took that personally. Before Triple H could celebrate taking out his rival, The Rock came out and made it clear that The Corporation has found their next target and they may make Triple H regret ever interfering in their business. But Triple H isn’t a pushover and he’s not going to back down from The Rock’s challenge and regardless of how people vote, you have to get the feeling that both men will find themselves involved in the match. These two men methodically broke down CM Punk, and now they may be just about ready to do the same to The Game, regardless of his legacy. When The Corporation wants to do something, they do it, and if they want to tear down Triple H then they just might make him their next victim.

You Decide The Stipulation

Intercontinental Championship

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 NewICtitle

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 ZZV5zXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LYcQL
Davey Richards Vs Christian (C)

A. Chairs Match

B. Fight Without Honor Match

C. Lumberjack Match

These two men know each other very well, because for weeks Christian told Davey that Unforgiven would be his night and that he would walk away with the Intercontinental Championship. That is exactly what he did when push came to shove: he pinned Davey in that ring to mark the beginning of his title reign. However, Christian did more than win the title, he traded in the old for a new and he spit on the past title holders and their legacy claiming his to be the start of something new... the start of a reign by a champion who deserves to hold the belt. Though Christian hasn’t had the most impressive of runs and Davey may find that this may be the perfect time to go after his prey. Christian doesn’t have any momentum heading into their title match while Davey has at least picked up a win against World Champion hopeful Michael McGillicutty. Christian may have changed the look of the belt but he may not be able to escape the streak of past Intercontinental Champions who lost their belt during their first defense. Davey may have come up short in the last encounter, but at Digital Decision he has the chance to avenge his loss and to reclaim the title that he barely got to spend any time with. The fans have the option to vote for one of three grueling matches that will no doubt test their resilience and pain threshold. Chairs Match, Fight Without Honor and Lumberjack match are the options and all three men will have to step into that ring knowing that they’re going to feel pain… and a lot of it. But neither man is a stranger to the danger of these extreme matches and they know what they’re in for and for one of these pain everything will be worth it just for the chance to walk out as Intercontinental Champion.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Kx1o7XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 SCCwT
Joey Ryan Vs AJ Styles

A. Ultimate X Match

B. Tables Match

C. Steel Cage

This has been a rather lengthy feud that has seen Intercontinental Championships along with XWL 15 medal’s come and go, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is their disdain for one another. Ryan wants to show Styles first-hand what it means to be sleazy and that has led to a number confrontations and a number of matches between the men in what have been some incredible matches. And just when Ryan thought he had seen the last of Styles at Unforgiven, Styles made a special trip to Redemption to let Hollywood’s finest know that he’s still alive. The matches have been named and on this night Styles and Ryan will go at it for possibly the last time, to put their differences to rest once and for all. This isn’t going to be an easy match for either man as Ryan is going through his problems getting his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship, and Styles has been strangely detached from XWL, and the three matches they could potentially battle in, isn’t going to make life any easier. The Ultimate X match is the easy runaway favorite as it would be an XWL first and it would give Ryan the chance to take on Styles in Styles’ habitat and if Ryan is as good as he says he is then he’ll have no problem brining the fight to Styles. The Ultimate X match will see these men take a lot of big falls all in the name of retrieving that object in the middle of the intersecting cables to secure the win and earn themselves bragging rights for the rest of eternity. Styles has been letting Ryan get the best of him over the weeks, and Digital Decision will be his night to turn everything around and walk out with his head held high.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 DS1JLXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 WEZ8n
Chavo Guerrero Vs Kid Kash

A. Barbed Wire Cage Match

B. Falls Count Anywhere Match

C. Lumberjack Match

Months ago Chavo’s aunt Vickie brought in Kid Kash to help light a fire under nephew and to get him to care about wrestling again. Chavo was slumping, Chavo was losing faith in himself and his ability and his career, though he would never admit that. Kash brought back a side of Chavo that we thought we’d never see again and although nobody won that match, Chavo walked away with a different take on things and though he may have appreciated what Kash did, it’s doubtful that he liked the fact that Kash took it upon himself to return so that he can finish what he started. Kash took it personally that Chavo was still able to walk after Bad Blood, much less wrestle and he jumped at the chance to make his return when XWL Management came calling. But Kash was brought back under a new set of rules; he couldn’t be touched before Digital Decision for fear that he would be injured and their investment wasted, but when Kash said the wrong things to Chavo he got punched in the face and Chavo put his job at risk. After holding Redemption hostage, Chavo was told that if he lost at Digital Decision he would be fired, but if he won he would get a title match. Kash and Chavo have been at each other’s throats and the possible matches that they could find themselves wrestling in won’t make things any better. Kash is going to show that Chavo is nothing but a black sheep and a disgrace to the Guerrero name, while Chavo realizing that this may be the last time he wrestles in an XWL ring will no doubt give everything he has to send Kash packing. Chavo’s tired of being underestimated and laughed at and what he does to Kash could set the precedent for what he does to others who cross him.

You Decide The Challenger

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 WfsmcXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 CkHYF
Crimson Vs

A. Big Show

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 BcWVj

B. Ezekiel Jackson

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 SgzHR

C. Curt Hawkins

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Xfh3y

Crimson had nothing better to do with his life one day and decided that he’d talk a little trash and then offer up an open challenge to make things interesting for him. To his surprise, three men answered his call in the forms of Big Zeke, Little Curt and Big Show, all men who had nothing going for them at the pay per view and could use the match to get things going for them. All three men feel that they are the best option to go into the pay per view to challenge Crimson, while Crimson could care less and sees his three challengers as nothing more than a mere warm up as he preps himself to do bigger and better things with his time and his career. Big Zeke feels that with his size, strength, smarts and ability to just dominate anyone set before him that he’s be the best man to ultimately take on and subsequently defeat Crimson. Hawkins is Hawkins, the man who says whatever he wants whenever he wants and despite being the smallest man involved, he feels that he’ll put up the biggest fight and that what proven when he won the triple threat match between the three voting options. Big Show wasn’t the man pinned, but he has said that he’s just tired of people calling him a fat slob when he’s in fact a fit monster and if the fans vote for him he’ll show exactly what he means by making light work of Crimson at the pay per view. For the fans, these aren’t the most ideal voting options, with all three men, and Crimson, for that matter being guys that they despise and how they go about voting for this will have a lot more to do with who they hate the least.

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 3bW6HXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 CTbPS
Cody Rhodes Vs Zack Ryder

A. Last Man Standing Match

B. Stretcher Match

C. Texas Bull Rope Match

This is Zack Ryder’s second match of the night, and coming of an X-treme title match is not the way most men envision doing battle against their rival, but Ryder has to do what he has to do to show that he’s someone to be taken seriously. Ryder wants to show that he can be a funny guy on his show yet still a threat in the ring and he has been doing just that over the months. Cody despises Ryder’s goofiness and has made a point to embarrass him time and time again though instead he has found himself a victim of the Rough Ryder time and time again. If Cody isn’t careful this could be a repeat of Unforgiven where Ryder defended his title and beat Rhodes in the same night, though Cody did nearly cripple him so he can take his small victories where he can scrounge them up. Despite Cody feeling that Ryder is beneath him, Ryder seemingly has his number and all hopes at a World Title Shot could be forever lost if Cody can’t overcome his longtime adversary tonight. From hacking Ryder’s show to costing him his match against Randy Orton, Rhodes has done whatever he could to get under the Long Islander’s skin, but nothing seems to have worked. But tonight at the PPV, they are battling under different circumstances and whether it be in a Last Man Standing, Stretcher or Texas Bull Rope Match the winner will be the man who can inflict the most amount of pain and leave their opponent incapacitated. Cody has shown that he has a mean streak in him and he is dangerous once he gets going, but Ryder is X-treme Champion for a reason and he better hope that the battles he has fought with the title on the line did a decent enough job of preparing him for this battle against Cody.

You Decide The Stipulation

United States Championship

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 I0lBWXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 SMwHb
Daniel Bryan Vs Shawn Michaels (C)

A. Ladder Match

B. Submission Match

C. Falls Count Anywhere Match

Shawn Michaels is currently the longest reigning United States champion and he got to that point through tricks and deception and pulling the most devious of tactics to help keep his title reign in check. Daniel Bryan became another victim of HBK’s game after winning via disqualification and an attack to Michaels after his match against Edge was Daniel Bryan’s way of letting the champ know that things between them are far from over. But this goes beyond the championship and even beyond the confines of XWL. Shawn Michaels was the man that helped train Daniel and Daniel can’t believe the level his former teacher has sunk just to hang onto his championship. Daniel wants to kick Michaels out of the spotlight so that the younger and more deserving talent can get their time to shine. But Michaels made it clear that he’s not going to just hand over the torch and if Bryan wants it he’s going to have to pry in out of Michaels’ fingers. Daniel Bryan isn’t the first man who tried to take out Shawn Michaels, from Curt Hawkins to Mason Ryan, the Heartbreak Kid has had his fair share of youngsters try to dethrone him but in the end they all lost, and at Unforgiven Daniel Bryan was no different. In fact Shawn Michaels pulled a page out of Daniel’s book and made him tap to his own finisher although controversy about Daniel’s hand hitting the ropes made the result of the match a bit murky. But now at Digital Decision they’ll be duking it out in matches that will potentially offer a clearer a result. Can Daniel Bryan beat HBK at his own game and climb the ladder to grab the belt. Or will HBK repeat his actions at Unforgiven and make Bryan tap again? Perhaps they will be set free to do battle anywhere and everywhere in a falls count anywhere match, but if there’s one thing for sure is that the last in this trilogy of matches definitely will not disappoint.

You Decide The Stipulation

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Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker

A. Casket Match

B. Ambulance Match

You could say Randy Orton has been obsessed with getting his match against Undertaker… scarily obsessed. You could also say that Orton has driven himself mad to best The Deadman and has gone as far as to sacrifice his own father to prove a point to The Undertaker. From the moment Orton called out Undertaker to the fateful moment when one of them is carried out on a stretcher or an ambulance, this rivalry has been packed with emotion and violence and Digital Decision will be when it all peaks. That’s because Digital Decision is the show when this all ends once and for all, the mind games are over, the words mean nothing all that matters on this night is beating your opponent until you yourself are too weak to stand. Their encounter at Unforgiven was physical, it was painful to watch, but it will be nothing compared to when they pull out all the stops to best the other tonight. If you thought what they did to each other to get a three count was sickening, image the lengths they will have to go through to keep the other down long enough to get their opponent on a stretcher or put them inside of an ambulance. Taker vows to make Orton regret ever saying his name, and this will be night to make him pay. Orton savagely beat Taker with a chair to disqualify himself at Unforgiven, and this will be the night to make Orton realize what happens to those who think they can best The Deadman or use him to make a name for himself. Orton has been playing a dangerous game but it’s one he feels he can win and when it’s all said and done everything he’s done, the people’s he’s hurt, the words he has said will all be worth it.

You Decide The Stipulation

Divas Championship

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Eve Torres Vs Layla El (C)

A. Extreme Makeover Match

B. Title On A Pole Match

C. Last Chance Match

Eve and Layla have been going at it for months and just when it looked like Eve would be able to put an end to the reign of terror, Layla finds a way to retain regardless if her methods are acceptable or not. Layla’s been doing what she has to do to make sure that she remains at the top of the division and she’ll be damned if she lets the likes of Eve end her run before she can really get going. Eve decided to play dirty to even things up and she used her beauty and ability to seduce to get what she whatever she wanted from Teddy Long again and again. One of the things she wanted was for Layla to suffer at the hands of Kharma and after some sweet talk Teddy Long made the match and the divas champ fell to Kharma as she just wasn’t able to overcome her strength. Layla got back at Eve by pinning her in a tag match during the time she found an ally in Brie Bella while her sister was out injured. But Eve has brushed off the loss and with no tag partners to distract her, she’s going to beat Layla and get the win that she should have months ago. Looking at the match options, it sure isn’t going to be an easy feat to accomplish as Layla no doubt has a few more tricks up her sleeve and if the Last Chance Match gets chosen Eve won’t get another opportunity again. So instead she wants an Extreme Makeover match so that she can make Layla look as ugly as she acts, though if you ask Layla she’ll tell you that ruining her looks is on par with the impossible. These two women are ready to scratch and claw their way to a victory because they both want to be called a divas champ when everything is all said and done.

You Decide The Stipulation

World Heavyweight Championship

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Michael McGillicutty Vs Ted DiBiase (C)

A. TLC Match

B. Street Fight

C. Hell in a Cell Match

This is the match that we’ve all been waiting for and tonight will determine which man will walk out of Digital Decision as the XWL World Heavyweight Championship. The rivalry between these two multi-generation superstars have spanned months and everything that has happened will all boil down to this match where the winner gets the gold and the loser walks away with nothing. This whole mess started way before a championship was involved with Michael McGillicutty thinking he can make quick work of the forever corny leader of the DiBiase Posse, but to his surprise DiBiase put up a bigger fight than expected and the two men went on their separate ways. DiBiase had some business to settle with The Rock and McGillicutty found a new multi-generation star to pick on in Chavo Guerrero, but their paths crossed again when Ted DiBiase’s dream of becoming a World champion in XWL became reality and McGiliicutty found himself in possession of the money in bank briefcase. Almost as if it were destined to be these two men found themselves going at it, only this time things were taking to a whole new level. This time McGillicutty was willing to steal Ted DiBiase’s girl right out from under him in his quest to make sure Ted left this feud empty handed. This time McGillicutty was willing to attack Ted’s on father to make sure that Ted truly felt all alone. Although Ted did have his moments from tricking McGillicutty with a pre-recorded message to a brawl backstage, Ted did all he could to keep up but it was McGillicutty who seemed to be in control of things and the World Title was his to win at Unforgiven. But the match ending didn’t satisfy anyone because after both men both their bodies on the line, a Ref’s bad call ended the match before a true winner can be declared. Tonight at Digital Decision is the last stand for both men. Ted DiBiase has to show that he is worthy of being champion and his victory over Justin Gabriel wasn’t a fluke and in order to do that he has to defeat the man who has been a thorn in his side for quite some time. Michael McGillicutty has to prove that he can back up everything he says and that he didn’t get to where he is because of luck. But if push comes to shove he is Mr. Money in the Bank…

Last edited by Dave on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 7:16 pm

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 WwLVY

Opening Promo with Mick Foley, The Miz and Vickie Guerrero
I really liked the use of the production music in the prologue, as well as the short write up hyping up the PPV before the main song kicks in. It's a shame the Foo Fighters suck. I also liked the small tidbits of rivalries you quoted which was cool. Onto the main promo, and the opening commentary made it seem like a genuine opening to a real pay-per-view. So props for that. The entire speech segments between Foley and Vickie were great. The announcement of the King Of The Ring again was surprising to me for reason... I guess I didn't realise Supremacy was so soon and it's a shame I can't be a part of it. Miz announicng himself being in it was also awesome (pun intended). It was a vintage Adam Miz promo and I hope you keep him. I can't really fault this promo overall as the presentation, layout and content were just spot on.
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Hawkins & Reks Promo #1
I give this a high rating simply for being original and entertaining. I hope to see a lot more stuff like this from you and these two as you play them so well. Sad to see Maxine's final appearance in XWL though. Crying or Very sad You've made a big fan out of me with this promo so I hope you continue with this style in future.
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Triple H Promo
First of all, the lack of commentary bothered me a little. I know you're not a fan of it, but I think it could have added a lot more to this promo. Not that it wasn't good already, but just saying. Personally, I think you're the best Triple H I've seen since bang (who was HHH in another league). You play his character well as the badass face so I can only hope someday we get to see what you can do as a heel Triple H. This promo covered all the bases it needed to - from Brock, The Corporation, to his future goals etc. and Triple H seemed to ooze confidence throughout as he would. I hope The Corporation kick his ass for killing Brock though.
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Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger Promo
That opening line by Dolph is amazing! Way to set the tone for the rest of the promo and instantly grab my attention. I lol'd. Nice back and forth between the two but I really wanted it to last way longer than it did. It seemed to end just as it began.
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Layla vs Eve build-up and stuff
Honestly I can't imagine Cole calling Layla a spunky sweetheart ever, but the rest of the commentary was great as expected. The song in that Layla MV killed it for me though. God. The Eve one was slightly better but not by much. They were good videos but I really disliked the music. I really liked the custom graphics you made for the match options. That's a nice touch. You've really presented this whole build up well. I was hoping it would be a Last Chance Match to freshen up the Divas title picture as I think Eve-Layla has run it's course. I didn't watch the full match, only the last 2 mins or so but it seemed decent enough. Nice finish. The aftermath was also presented well and it seems like Eve is going to be out of action for a while, which is a shame. The Teddy Long thing seemed really random to me, but I'm sure there's an underlying motive or angle in there somewhere... or maybe Layla hit Eve a bit too hard in the match and she went nuts. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the Eve thing pan out and I wonder who Layla will face next?
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Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Promo
I'm glad you went with the Version 1.0 gimmick as that's a personal favourite of mine. I don't really understand why Matt is looking skinny because of his last time in XWL. Maybe I missed a promo or something where he was on a diet or anorexic. I don't get that part. The weight thing confused me in this promo but I understand the point of the promo was to make Matt seem better than everybody else, which you did a good job of putting across. I think you could have benefited from making use of the commentators too, but I really enjoyed this promo and I can't wait to see what you do next as the Sensei Of Mattitude.
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John Cena Promo
This is another promo which gets straight down to business with no commentary. I feel it adds a lot to promos, even if they only say a few lines but meh. Cena saying the fans mean the world to him was a cheesy moment and seemed like something he would say. You can beat the crap out of Cena but don't touch the damn kids! Then comes a rundown of the options... and what exactly is an Irish Street Fight anyway? I liked how Cena revealed the decision, which was an original way to do it in my eyes with a complete breakdown of each match type, right the way up to the big reveal... of the Irish Street Fight! I think the promo as a whole is your best Cena promo yet and it's a huge improvement from your first ever one which was sent as a tester to the admins. Good stuff.
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Kurt Angle Promo
The first part with the crowd beginning to chant You Suck and Kurt shouting "I can hear you!" was awesome. I really liked that. I didn't like your early stuff as Kurt but this was great from start to finish. Content and length-wise, the best promo so far. The only thing it lacked for me is screencaps, but of course they aren't necessary. This promo was a top promo without them. You covered everything I expected you to and much more and it seemed like Kurt throughout. It wasn't forced like your earlier stuff. I hope you keep it up.
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Hawkins & Reks Promo #2
More antics from Hawkins and Reks. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed this little segment and I think they break up the more serious parts of the show nicely. But 20 dollars of Moutain Dew? That's overkill. Lol.
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Kassius Ohno Promo
Chris Hero/Kassius Ohno Version 31.0. Please someone keep him for more than a few weeks....lol. I hope you're the one to do that Alan as this was an engrossing promo. It was a cool introduction to your iteration of Hero/Ohno and it had me interested right the way through. I just hope you keep him...
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Randy Orton Promo
I think you could have benefited from the use of commentary for this promo. Especially at the start. I think it could have been used to hype up Orton's match that much more. Not to take anything away from the promo, but I think it could have added a lot. Anyway, the promo was awesome as expected. I don't think I've ever seen you do a bad promo as I even liked your really early stuff in XWL, and even the short run as Triple H. You have Orton's character down to a tee. Orton's speech in this was perfect and I hope we get to feud someday as we never have. You've done well to continue this feud despite Taker pulling off one of his vintage vanishing acts, and I look forward to what is probably the conclusion of the feud during this PPV. I do have a minor complaint though, which is the way this promo ended so suddenly.
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Johnny Curtis Promo
As a big fan of Curtis I've been marking out for your stuff as Curtis. I like your promos as him more than Cody tbh. But "This past week on Breakdown Mick Foley was assaulted by an unknown aslant." had me confused for a moment. What is an aslant? lol. Onto the hospital with Foley and the balloons and stuff was just classic. Then there's Mrs Socko! Curtis asking the security and nurse to get weird was amazing. I really wanted to see Foley's reaction to the Socko babies too... maybe some other time. I really liked your use of commentary as many people don't see the point in it, but it added a lot to this promo. Overall, fantastic stuff.
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Vickie Guerrero Promo
Vickie is out again with another announcement. Night Of Champions! Something else I'm missing out on Crying or Very sad . Should be awesome. You play Vickie really well and the use of commentary supplemented it well. Again, I really liked the custom graphics for the options for the WHC contenders. I'm personally hoping Cody gets a shot but we'll see. It should be a great show and I'll be looking forward to reading it. 2 huge announcements in one night... are there any more to come?
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Ezekiel Jackson vs Zack Ryder
I'm not going to review this as it's just a match with a short hype paragraph, but congratulations to Ezekiel Jackson on a big win.

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P.R Son
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 7:32 pm

Awesome review! Really appreciate seeing so many reviewing the PPV. So a big thanks goes out to Gregg, Adam, and Zack!

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PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 7:32 pm

Dave wrote:
Awesome review! Really appreciate seeing so many reviewing the PPV. So a big thanks goes out to Gregg, Adam, and Zack!


I can't wait for your review :gig:
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Main Eventer

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 7:48 pm

Digital Decision comes back after an advertisement hyping the recently released Unforgiven DVD is shown that includes some exclusive backstage content that hasn’t been seen anywhere and it also includes some interviews from some of the superstars who wrestled on that show. The camera cuts back to view of the streets of Las Vegas and the city looks beautiful even in the night with the glow of the lights illuminating the cars and the people below.

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Around the arena the camera goes smoothly transitioning from fan to fan as many of the members of the audience vie for their 5 seconds in the spotlight. Handmade signs are waved around and there are some that look absolutely amazing, and then you have others that make you cringe when you look at them, but regardless of the quality of the work, you have to admire the effort that they’ve put into showing their favorite superstars some support and love and you know that they’d love nothing more than to see them come out if they haven’t already. On this night more than any other the people are feeling great, they’re feeling like they matter because on this night they were given the ultimate power to vote as they see fit and it was them that will help make Digital Decision into the epic PPV that it hopes to be. The camera cuts to the announce table where the three man announce team of Michael Cole, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are waiting to get this show going again.

Jim Ross:
Welcome back to Digital Decision folks where we’re only a few moments away from what should no doubt be an encounter of epic proportions between Chavo Guerrero and Kid Kash.

Michael Cole:
The only thing that’s going to be epic about that match will be the beating that Chavo receives at the hands of Kid Kash. Chavo’s been begging for…

Jerry Lawler:
Whoa whoa whoa, now just hang there on a second Cole, because of there’s anybody that’s been begging for anything it’s been Kid Kash and he’s been begging for somebody to shut him up.

Michael Cole:
Hey weren’t you paying to Redemption? Chavo tried shutting Kash up when he punched him and all he did was put himself at being at risk to be fired tonight.

Jim Ross:
As far as I’m considered, Chavo should have punched Kash a little harder while he was at it.

Michael Cole:
Oh yeah? Well then he would have been fired harder if he did something like that.

Jerry Lawler:
Fired harder? That doesn’t make any sense.

Michael Cole:
What doesn’t make sense is Chavo coming into this pay per view thinking he has a chance of winning. He always talks up this big game, but when push comes to shove he never delivers. Now that his career on the line, you can pretty much kiss him goodbye. Take your pictures folks and date your calendars because this will be the last time you Chavo in an XWL ring!

Jim Ross:
Now how can you be so sure about that? You can never count Chavo out of a match, despite what his win-loss record may read. He’s a fighter, and if he does go down tonight then at least his fans can rest assured that he’ll be going down without a fight.

Jerry Lawler:
Chavo promised that he’d take Kash down with him and now that his back is pressed against the wall he’s going to risk it all to walk away with the win.

Michael Cole:
Ha! As if a promise made by Chavo actually means anything, please don’t make me laugh… HA! Okay you two you can go on believing that Chavo actually has a chance to win this match. I’m going to sit over here on planet Earth where I can see things for what they are instead of believing that nonsense that Chavo speaks every week.

Kid Kash’s theme immediately draws the ire of the crowd who wasn’t really looking forward to seeing him and they begin booing relentlessly the man who has gone out of his way to make life a living hell for one of their favorite superstars. When ‘Kid Kash Rocks’ is shouted through the speakers assaulting the eardrums of those in attendance, the man of the hour himself steps through the curtains and he gazes upon the crowd who hate him with such a fierce passion and he can’t help but let a grin crawl onto his face as he listens to the chorus of boos and feels the hatred that is filling the air.

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To provoke the already frenzied crowd into near riot mode, Kash cockily raises one arm in the air and as expected that makes the boos from the crowd intensify. Kash can’t help himself, he loves to antagonize the people and he loves to make them hate him and he’s doing a fine job of it now because these people are doing everything in their power to get the message across that they can’t wait to see Kash get what’s coming to him. They had three matches to choose from and they made sure to choose the one where they hope Chavo will be able to hurt him the most, and they paid to see unspeakable horrors befall Kash at the hands of the Mexican Warrior.

Michael Cole:
Oh would these people just shut up, they clearly have poor taste in wrestlers and it’s a shame that they can’t show a man of Kash’s caliber the respect he deserves.

Jim Ross:
Kash doesn’t deserve a damn thing other than to have someone take him behind the woodshed.

Kash is in the ring now and he is doing the last thing the people ever wanted to see him do: ask for a microphone. Kash rolls the mic in his hand as he waits for the noise level to dip a bit, but it seems that people are determined to drown him out before he even begins to speak.

Kid Kash sucks! Kid Kash sucks!

Kid Kash sucks! Kid Kash sucks!

Their chants are near defeaning and one has to wonder how long they can keep at it before they wear themselves out or lose their voices. The look on Kash’s face tells the whole story: he’s going to speak whether the people like it or not and while the people are still chanting he raises the mic to his mouth and clears his throat unnecessarily loudly.

Kid Kash:
Now you see….

Kid Kash sucks! Kid Kash sucks!

Now you see I’m normally a patient man but I…

Kid Kash sucks! Kid Kash sucks!

But I just don’t have any toleration for ig-nint folks like yourselves and I would really appre…

Kid Kash sucks! Kid Kash sucks!

I would really appreciate if y’all would shut your damn mouths and let the only grown man in the arena say what he has to say, because I wouldn’t waste my time coming out here to address the likes of you if it wasn’t important.

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Kid Kash:
You see, my mind was a little confused as to why you people think y’all are so special just because you can all hop on your little computatin’ devices to vote for a match you wouldn’t have the balls to wrestle in yourselves. That don’t mean nuttin’ to me, it don’t impress me, y’all are still nutthin’ but little pieces of crap that try to pose as decent human beings and you will never be good enough to be respected by someone like me. You see I ain’t like no other wrestler out there, and that’s the damn truth. I don’t gotta try and be crazy or tough all I gotta do is be Kid Kash and that’s enough to get me far in rasslin’ and in life. This ain’t no gimmick and this ain’t no game to me, I’m a badass outside of the rasslin’ ring too.


Kid Kash
Oh I do love it when you boo because it means that yer listenin’ and it only makes it more clear that you all don’t like hearin’ the truth. Y’all don’t like hearing that spending yer money to see me will be the greatest moment of yer life for the rest of yer life. Y’all don’t like hearing that there ain’t a damn thing you can do to stop me from doing or saying whatever I want whenever I want. And if you think that booing me is going to stop me from destroying Chavo Guerrero tonight, then you’re in for a sad mistake because on this very night in the dirty city of Las Vegas, Chavo Guerrero will wrestle his very last match in an XWL ring. Now ain’t that a crying shame?

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Kid Kash
And what I love most ‘bout all this is how easy Chavo made things for me. It was so easy to get him to sucker punch me two weeks ago and put his career in my hands, and now I got him right where I want him. Last week when he thought he was scarin’ somebody with that little protestin’ of his, I had him right where I wanted him when I dropped him with not one, but TWO money makers nearly breaking the poor man’s neck. But I do hope I didn’t hurt ‘im too bad because I want him to show up here tonight because I’m far from done kicking his ass. I want this night to forever be remembered as the time Chavo got embarrassed by Kid Kash, got pinned 1-2-3 and never wrestled in XWL again.


Kid Kash
That’s right I said pinned because you see this morning I gave the guys up at XWL management a ring to see what the votes were lookin’ like and to my surprise they told me that the barbed wire steel cage was running away with it.


Kid Kash
But I didn’t like that one bit, and so I told them that you people, who don’t know a single thing ‘bout rasslin’, shouldn’t be trusted to decide how one of my matches should be fought. So I explained to management that Chavo and I shouldn’t be confined to such a small space and they agreed with me after a lil bit of talkin’. Next thing I knew, Falls Count Anywhere was the match with the most votes and who knows, maybe I’ll pin him right in front of all of you.

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Kid Kash
I mean I don’t have to pin him, I’m only getting paid to wrestle him, I’ve already put him through enough, right? Wrong! I’m only jus gettin’ started, and I want to win, I want to get rid of Chavo Guerrero? What do I get from it? Nothing more than the pure pleasure of endin’ another man’s career. If you can even call it that. Chavo ain’t ntn but a little leech who has only got where he has because of his name. What does Chavo have that others don’t? He ain’t a champion, he ain’t a winner he ain’t nothing but a joke, and not even a good joke at that. He’s a joke of a wrestler and I’m going to stop him from bringing down the prestigious of this profession any more that he already has.


Kid Kash
What’s the matter, kids? Y’all don’t like hearing that Chavo ain’t as great as you thought he was? Well tough shit, because it’s the truth and it’s a fact that he ain’t better than me so he ain’t winning this match. Falls Count Anywhere means that I can kick his ass anywhere inside and outside this arena and I just might take him on down to Texas so his wife and kids can watch how a real man gets the job done. A real man doesn’t let another man push him around, he throws up his fists, but Chavo ain’t no man he’s a little bitch who thinks running his mouth will solve all his problems when that ain’t how things work in the real world, esse. And I--

Kash is cut off as an eerie song begins to play over the speakers and a girls voice can be heard speaking over it as she reads something:

In a world that has been covered in darkness, you have been the light.
The proof that people really can change if inside they can find the will.
You taught strength even when I wanted to cry myself to sleep at night.
There’s never an excuse to give up, even if of pain you’ve had your fill.

I always thought you were another jerk, but you were just misunderstood.
A man whose happiness and sanity was buried by his anger and hate,
because no matter how hard he tried things didn’t go the way they should.
Until you finally realized what you were fighting for on that fateful date.

You became a better man and the weight on your shoulders disappeared.
No longer jaded, no longer bitter you showed all sins can be atoned for.
Despite what may have been said it’s clear now that you’ve always cared.
You’ve made me see the error of my own ways, to be better I can do more.

You may not know it, but you’ve been an inspiration not to one, but many.
When they ask me who helped make me who I am I’ll proudly say: ‘Chavo.’
When it comes to those who’ve made a bigger impact there hasn’t been any.
You’re not a loser or a quitter as you may think, you are what you are, a hero.

Chavo makes his way out to a rousing ovation given to him by people who are more than grateful that the Mexican warrior has finally arrived to shut Kash up once and for all. But they’re caught a little off guard when Chavo doesn’t show up alone. With him are four men each carrying a long piece of metal in their hands, and they begin working on something outside of the ring while Chavo makes his way into the ring to confront Kash who tries to take a look at what the men are doing outside of the ring and Chavo keep stepping into his line of view. Chavo then raises his mic to his mouth realizing that the only way to truly distract Kash effectively is to keep him talking.

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Chavo Guerrero:
You know Kash, I think I finally have you figured out, I think I finally realized that this is all about. You see, you’re starting to believe that you might have bitten off more than you could chew when it comes to dealing with me. I’m putting up a bigger fight than you expected, I survived more than you thought I could handle. You’ve given me three Money Makers, Kash, and here I am feeling just fine aside from a little stiffness in my neck. But I’m okay, I can still wrestle and I can still beat you tonight and I willlive to wrestle another day.

Kid Kash
Hey, hang on there a second partner. I’ll admit that you had me going there for a second and I really thought that you really thought that the things you were saying was true, because they’re not. I can handle you just fine, Chavo don’t flatter yerself thinkin’ you actually can ch—

Chavo Guerrero:
You say all that, but the evidence has been piling up for weeks. The fact that you’ve only attacked me from behind, the fact that you had it put in your contract that I couldn’t touch you until tonight, which didn’t stop me from punching you anyway.. aaaand there’s the fact that you went and got the match changed because you were afraid to be locked inside of a steel cage with me, where you had nowhere to run and nowhere to---

Kash slaps Chavo’s microphone away from his mouth which is one way to get Chavo to stop talking and the two men stare at each other intensely until Kash raises his microphone back up to his mouth.

Kid Kash
Don’t you ever interru--

Chavo Guerrero:
I can interrupt you if I want to, Kid.

The two men’s eyes are still locked on to each other but it’s Kash who breaks first as he smirks and motions for Chavo to carry on.

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Chavo Guerrero:
You’ve been testing my patience, you’ve been getting on my nerve and quite frankly I’m sick of having to deal with you. Because you don’t scare me Kash, as hard as you tried to get under my skin, all you’ve is make me want to rip your skin clean off your body. I want to hurt you Kash and once that bell rings, I will. That’s not a threat, that’ s a promise. I promise you that you’re going to be in for the fight of your life, because I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to stop until it hurts to breathe, until I start spitting up blood… until I have to struggle to remain conscious.

Kid Kash:
Ha, was that supposed to scare me? Was I really supposed to believe that yer a threat to me? Don’t be silly, Chavo, you always talk about all things yer gonna do to someone, but you never really do what you say you will because you don’t have it in you to compete at a high level anymore.

Chavo Guerrero:
You’re right I do talk more than I should and I do say things I never get the chance to back up, but tonight is different because I learned something from Randy Orton the many times I’ve crossed paths with him over the weeks. I learned that sometimes you have to do things others won’t like. Sometimes you have to strike first before your opponent even thinks of attacking. Sometimes you have to do things without thinking, act in the moment, let your emotions take over and that’s what I’m doing right now.

Kid Kash:
Oh yeah? And what exactly does that me—

Kash stops in mid-sentence as something outside of the ring catches his eye as he notices that the men Chavo brought down with him have finished setting up and the camera zooms in on the structure to give the people at home the first chance to see what’s going on.

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Kid Kash:
And just what the hell is that supposed to be?

Chavo Guerrero:
That Kash… that is my little surprise for you, you see just like you, I didn’t care for the options that Vickie chose, and I thought of a suitable replacement but you dropped me on my head last week before I could get my idea to her, so now I’m going to go ahead and do things my way anyway. I’m not going to let fear of losing my job or fear of not getting a world title match stop me from what I want to do. Call it having a one track mind, but the only thing I want to do right now is hurt you… I don’t even care about beating you. I’ve been telling you for weeks Kash that you’ve been playing with fire Kash… and tonight you’re going to get burned.

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Jim Ross:
My God, Chavo set the ring on fire!

Jerry Lawler:
Is he crazy? Someone could get seriously hurt.

Jim Ross:
I think that’s the plan, King, but I also think Chavo’s taking things too far.

Michael Cole:
That’s because Chavo is desperate to prove he’s not a loser and desperate people tend to do stupid things. I hope Kash gets out of this okay.

Jim Ross:
Aw man, I can feel the heat from the flames all the way over here, imagine what those two must be feeling being surround by them.

Jerry Lawler:
Wait, look at all those guys coming down the ramp and surrounding the ring! There has to be over two dozen of them!

Jim Ross:
I can only guess that Chavo hired them to make sure no one tries to put out the flames. You have to give the devil his due, Chavo seems to have thought of everything.

Michael Cole:
Yeah did he think about how he was going to do a match with no referee in the ring?

Jerry Lawler:
You head what Chavo said, right now he cares more about hurting Kash than beating him.

Jim Ross
Besides, I think the ref is better off being nowhere near here.

Michael Cole
So what is going on then, is this a match or what?

Jim Ross
No, it’s a battle for survival.

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The bell hasn’t rung and there’s no ref in sight, so these two men may not even know if this counts as a match but with the way that they’re looking at each other it isn’t hard to see that they’re ready for a fight. And in a ring surrounded by flames surrounded by guards, there really isn’t anything to do but fight. Standing on either side of the ring are Chavo and Kash and Kash smirks then yells You think I’m scared of a little fire, boy? I’ll play your little game, and I’ll beat you at it. Chavo takes a step towards Kash as the flames crackle and dance around and he says Then let’s play.

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Michael Cole:
Are they seriously about to fight?

Jim Ross
Well they’re not gonna exactly play cards or have a friendly chat about the good ol’ days.

Michael Cole:
Well how is this supposed to end?

Jerry Lawler:
Well it’s there’s two guys who hate each other trapped in a ring surrounded by fire. I think I can take a wild guess about how this story will end.

Now that the crowd’s initial shock about what Chavo did has subsided, they’re on their feet chanting: Let’s go, Chavo! Kid Kash sucks! and the two men in the ring cease their trash talking and take a step back before lunging at each other and locking up. In the center of the ring these two men remain as they battle to out-manuver their opponent and gain the upperhand. Kash’s strength is becoming too much for Chavo to handle, so Chavo is forced to use his quickness to his advantage by quickly snapping Kash into a side headlock and he squeezes around the neck as tightly as he can. Kash doesn’t stay there for long as his power comes into play again and it allows him to push Chavo off then he immediately pulls him back into a front facelock and drops down to knee to a make the hold more effective. He seems to have Chavo beat for only a second because the Mexican Warrior lifts Kash into the air and hits an atomic drop and then he quickly grabs Kash’s arm and bends it behind him for the chicken wing. Chavo wraps his free arm around Kash’s throat and begins pulling his face to the side before Kash drops down to his knees and throws Chavo off of him. Both men slowly stand up and they look outside of the ring as the fire continues to burn waiting patiently for its victim. But for that whole sequence both men remained in the center of the ring and went nowhere near the fire. They were both trying to make the other look like an amateur by out-wrestling them but it seems as though both are guilty of underestimating the other. Chavo shouts at Kash You’re better than I thought. To which Kash replies You’re still shit.

Michael Cole:
Are you kidding me? Are you really trying to tell me that Chavo went through all of that only to not attempt to bring Kash near the fire at all?

Jerry Lawler:
Did you forget that this match, or.. or fight or whatever this is just started? Kash isn’t going to willingly jump into the fire unless Chavo beats him down first.

Jim Ross:
I’d just hate to see this backfire on Chavo, no pun intended. I don’t see how he’d be able to show his face if he allowed Kash to best him now.

Jerry Lawler
Chavo’s playing a dangerous game now and he better play his cards smartly or he may be in some serious trouble.

Michael Cole
You don’t think he’s already in trouble? He set the ring on fire for crying out loud and then barricaded it off with his rent-a-cops so that someone with a fire extinguisher can’t get through.

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Kash and Chavo are at it again and it’s really a struggle for someone to get the advantage in this lock-up because each man wants to prove that they’re miles better than the other and getting shown up now won’t do either of them any favors. And though the crowd is roaring in the background getting behind Chavo the best that they can, it’s Kash who’s slowly gaining control as he begins repeatedly twisting and wrenching on Chavo’s arm until Chavo’s forced to drop to his knees from the pain. Kash has Chavo right where he wants him or so it seems until Chavo flips forward onto his back then kips up, but Kash quickly thumbs him in the eye and takes Chavo down with a side headlock take over. Now grounded, Kash still has the side headlock applied and his game plan may be to make Chavo black out and then roll him into the fire so he can get a personal victory as he watches his rival burn. I got you right where I want you, you slippery little bastard. And it’s almost as if Chavo was waiting for something like that because as soon as Kash finishes that sentence, Chavo pushes Kash’s head back and wraps his legs around his neck. Chavo’s pushing up off the ground with his arms and squeezing his legs together as tightly as possible, but Kash is able to overpower Chavo and he splits open his legs with his hands and then busts out a kip up of his own before Chavo can re-close his legs.

Let’s go, Chavo! Kid Kash sucks!
Let’s go, Chavo! Kid Kash sucks!

As soon as Kash gets up Chavo knocks him knocks him off his feet with a leg sweep and Kash lands hard on his back and Chavo is quickly there and attempts to lock in a cross armbreaker, but Kash rolls out of it and two men find themselves in this position:

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And Chavo quickly wraps his legs behind Kash’s neck and gets him in a triangle chokehold and once again it appears the game plan is to incapacitate your opponent and then throw them out of the ring, and since this technically isn’t a match this will be a personal victory more than anything else. Chavo has legs wrapped around Kash tightly but once again his leg strength isn’t what he thought it was because Kash still has it in him to lift the dead weight Chavo into the air in an impressive show of strength and then slam him down with a modified powerbomb, but instead of letting go, Chavo seamlessly transitions into a crossface and he leans back as far as he can but he just has no answer for Kash’s power game because somehow Kash is working his way to his feet while Chavo still has the submission locked in, and once on his feet Kash puts Chavo onto his shoulders and applies a torture rack briefly before dropping down with an argentine backbreaker. Kash backs up as Chavo gets up in the corner and he charges forward but that proves to be a fatal mistake as:

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Chavo flips Kash over the top rope and right into the fi—NO! Kash manages to land on the middle rope and he springboards back into the ring and on his way in he attempts to grab Chavo’s head for the springboard, but Chavo throws him off causing Kash to land hard on his tailbone. Playtime is OVER! And with that shout Chavo dashes forward and flips right onto Kash’s back.

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With Kash still on his stomach Chavo begins wailing away at him hitting a flurry of lefts and rights letting out weeks’ worth of anger and frustration and hurt and pain all on Kash and while some of the shots miss and others are mere glances, Chavo connects with a few solid shots and the crowd is completely behind him as they watch him give Kash the beating they’ve been dying to see him get. Now, it’s not clear if they want to actually see Kash get set on fire, but that’s a bridge they’ll cross when they get to it because they’re enjoying living in the now as Chavo backs up and it looks like he’s going to baseball kick Kash out of the ring and into the flames! Chavo charges forward and connects! But Kash only rolls under the ropes and everyone in the arena gasps at how close they were to witnessing someone get set on fire. Chavo backs up and tries again and misses as Kash dodges at the last possible second and Chavo’s momentum nearly causes him to slide out of the ring! Kash grabs Chavo in a rear waistlock when he gets up, and Kash throws Chavo over his for the german but Chavo manages to land on his feet! Chavo immediately runs and grabs Kash from behind, pushes him forward into the ropes does a back roll with Kash still in his arms then he hits the chaos theory suplex! The momentum of the throw causes Kash to roll back onto his knees and Chavo meets him there with a stiff shoot kick to the side of the face that knocks Kash to the ground.

Jerry Lawler:
Hey Cole, remember when you said that this would be an easy match for Kash?

Michael Cole:
This isn’t even a match! What is going on here? What are we watching right now?

Jim Ross:
We’re watching as two men who don’t like each other fight until they have nothing left to give.

Michael Cole:
You call trading rest holds for an hour a fight?

Jim Ross:
I call it feeling out your opponent, before you do anything reckless when you’re surrounded by fire.

Michael Cole:
And why is that fire still going? Why has no one tried to come out and put it out?

Jerry Lawler
Do you not see all those men surrounding the ring? They need to play it smart.

Kash is still on the mat as the effect of the kick still wears on him, and Chavo begins circling his body and stomping on every exposed limb from fingers, to arms, to torsos, to knees… if his boot can find it he will step on it. Chavo isn’t being as aggressive as we thought he’d be. His strategy in this one seems to be to take it slow and drag out the pain, he may never get a shot at Kid Kash again so he’s going to make this count. He pulls Kash to his feet and holds him up by the head and forces Kash to look at him as he speaks. No one’s come to save you yet, pal. Looks like the fun is going to go on for just a bit longer. Chavo nails Kash with an European uppercut and Kash drops to the mat with a thud. Chavo has a cold look in his eyes and his face isn’t giving off any sign of emotion. It’s hard to know what he’s thinking and feeling and as he watches Kash struggle to his feet it’s almost as if Chavo doesn’t know what to do with him now that he finally has him in a match. Could he be regretting his decisions? Does he wish he didn’t take things this far? Is he kicking himself for putting his career on the line? These may be the things that are running through Chavo’s mind as he leans over to pick up Kash and all that hesitation and second guessing comes back to bite him as Kash begins to show some signs of life and starts to fight back.

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The boos coming from the crowd fill the arena as Kash begins to mount a comeback from his knees and he nails Chavo with a couple of hard shots to the face and a stinging chop to the chest causes Chavo to stumble backwards a bit and that gives Kash the space he needs to get onto his feet. Kash connects with another sharp chop and you can see Chavo’s chest begin to turn red. Kash knees Chavo in the gut doubling him over but then a kick to the face knocks Chavo back upright and Kash takes Chavo by the arm and throws him into the ropes. Kash sets up for the big back body drop a little too early and after Chavo bounces off the ropes he leaps into the air and drives the sole of his boots into Kash’s upper back. Kash drops down to the mat and Chavo takes him by the legs and attempts to put Kash in a muta lock, but Kash begins to throw elbows and Chavo can’t properly get his back bridged and he ultimately gives up on the move. Chavo and Kash get to their feet around the same time, but it’s Chavo who strikes first with an enzuigiri out of nowhere that leaves Kash dazed on his feet and Chavo grabs him by the head and runs over to the turnbuckles.

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Chavo steps off the second turnbuckle looking for a huge tornado DDT but Kash keeps Chavo in the air and then he throws Chavo out of the ring! No! Kash didn’t have enough strength and instead Chavo lands on the top rope and for a scary second it looks like he may bounce out into the flames regardless but he holds on for dear life and makes sure that he falls into the ring. Kash beats Chavo to his feet and he stomps away at Chavo’s body as the Mexican Warrior tries to fight his way up to a standing position. But Kash is relentless and Chavo has to drive his head forward into Kash’s gut to stop him and then Chavo connects with a European uppercut. Kash responds with a chop and at the same time both men have the idea to go for a dropkick and the bottom of their boots connect and the both get up immediately after hitting the ground. Chavo goes for a punch that Kash easily ducks under and when Chavo’s momentum causes him to spin on his heels and Kash lifts him into the air from behind

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And then slams Chavo down with such force that Chavo bounces twice on the mat. Kash raises an arm in confidence and cockiness and the people let him have it. You can see how the fire has affected him with the way he has to constantly wipe sweat from his brow and how he doesn’t seem to be breathing as easily as he would like to. It must feel like an oven in there and Kash is definitely not enjoying being trapped in such an uncomfortable environment. Kash looks out at the men surrounding the and shouts Why hasn’t anyone come out to put these damn flames out? This isn’t what I signed up for and I don’t appreciate being treated like I don’t matter, I’m Kid Kash, not some green rookie who doesn’t know anything about the business. And you all best let me out of here before somebody gets hurt and you better believe that that man won’t be me. I just… Chavo attacks Kash from behind finally shutting him up and the crowd cheers as Chavo wails away at the Kash in the corner just punching and kicking away at Kash and then he backs out and lets out a cry that comes from deep down in his soul, a cry filled with so many different emotions, and his eyes that once said nothing, are now telling the tale of how Chavo’s ready to kick things up a notch. There’s nowhere for you to run Kash, this is ending tonight. Only one of us is walking out of this ring!

Michael Cole:
Did you all just hear that? Chavo’s gone absolutely mad! Where is the cavalry? Why hasn’t anyone come out to save this man?

Jim Ross:
I guess they just had better things to do, Cole. But what I do know is that this heat is starting to get to me. I might have to take off my jacket.

Michael Cole:
Please keep your clothes on, nobody wants to see what all that barbeque has done to your physique.

Chavo charges forward into the corner and drives his knee into Kash’s face. Chavo grabs Kash by the foot to drag him out of the corner but Kash kicks him off with his free leg and the force of the blow knocks Chavo to the ground. Once again just when Chavo started to build a little momentum Kash kills it. Kash gets to his feet and hits a quick elbow drop before putting his boot into Chavo’s face and rubbing it around until Chavo knocks it off. Kash brings Chavo to his feet and throws him to the ropes and he learned from his mistake because this time he set up for his move at the perfect time and he drives Chavo’s back onto his knee with a tilt a whirl backbreaker then he leaves Chavo’s back stretched out over his knee. Kash slaps Chavo’s exposed chest with an open palm and then he raises one arm in the air and drives it right across Chavo’s exposed throat! Chavo’s rolling around the ring coughing and hacking violently and Kash just watches with a sick grin on his face. Kash mounts Chavo and wraps both of his hands around Chavo’s throat and just blatantly begins to choke the life out of him. This is it, Chavo! You just can’t win! Chavo tries to pry Kash’s fingers from around his throat but it’s no use and the crowd helplessly watches on Chavo begins to slowly fade away. Kash begins to apply more pressure on the choke when suddenly…

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The flames, no longer patient but hungry and rapid leap up into the air almost as if they were going to engulf the ring, and the sudden flare up frightens Kash and he rolls off of Chavo to catch his breath. Chavo takes the time to struggle to his feet while Kash eyes the flames suspiciously and cautiously to make sure they don’t make any more sudden jumps. Kash notices Chavo on his feet and he runs at him but Chavo catches him off guard with a drop toe hold and Kash ends up draped on the second rope with his face just inches away from the fire! Kash tries to get up but Chavo presses his knee against his back and pushes Kash down against the ropes. You can see the fear in Kash’s eyes because if the flames make one more jump it’s all over for his devilishly good looks and the people are all hold their breaths as they watch the events unfold and prepare for the worst. You brought this on yourself, Kash. You made me do this. In desperation Kash begins working on his wrist tape and he manages to get a piece off and he holds it close to the flames until it’s lit and he throws the piece back in Chavo’s face! With some quick reflexes Chavo is able to knock the flaming wrist tape to the side with his arm but the momentary shift of focus is all Kash needs to trip Chavo up and cause him to lose his balance. Kash is quickly on the attack charging at Chavo and taking him down with a vicious spear that nearly breaks the Mexican in half! Kash lifts the groggy Chavo to his feet Kash thrusts Chavo’s head between his legs and lets the world know that he’s going for the Money Maker! Kash gets the double underhook applied and lifts Chavo into the air:

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But Chavo is able to mauver himself forward onto Kash’s shoulders, and then he flips back and takes him down with a hurricanrana! Chavo does his little dance and it’s time for him to go for his own signature move and once Kash staggers to his feet Chavo sets him up and delivers one of the three amigos! Chavo rolls his hips and works his way to his feet then hits the second suplex! With only one more to go the people are starting to get excited, but as Chavo lifts Kash in the air for the third, Kash drives his knee into Chavo’s head causing Chavo to drop him. Right away Kash lifts Chavo into the air for a suplex of his own and then drives Chavo head first into the mat with a sickening brainbuster! Don’t feel sad, two outta three ain’t bad. Kash laughs at his reference, but the flicker of the flames remind him that this is no laughing matter. Right now he’s in a battle for his life. This battle with Chavo isn’t about winning or losing it’s about surviving long enough until someone comes out to put out the damn fire. These two men have been going at it for what feels like forever and with the flames surrounding the ring making it hard to breathe and the heat dehydrating them, you have to wonder how long they can physically compete in this environment until their bodies shut down on them.

Jim Ross:
My God, we’ve had some many scares in this. My heart is still racing from when Chavo had Kash’s face inches away from the flames.

Michael Cole:
Yeah that was nice and all but did you see what Kid Kash had to do to get out of that? He’s just so clever! How can you not like this guy?

Jerry Lawler:
Well he’s a jerk, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, he’s completely full of it… do I need to continue?

Michael Cole
Please don’t. The less we hear of you, the better.

Kash takes Chavo by the ear and pulls him to his feet only for Chavo to stomp on Kash’s foot with as much force as he can muster! Chavo then grabs Kash and drops him with a suplex completing the trifecta… after a brief interruption. Chavo walks over to the corner and when the people realize that he’s going to attempt the frog splash the try to convince him otherwise. I’ve already come this far, I don’t have anything left to lose. Chavo lifts himself to the top and tries to get his footing when the people suddenly begin to boo. Thinking it’s for him, Chavo looks around confused but then he sees XWL staff rushing down the ramp armed with fire extinguishers only to be swarmed by Chavo’s hired help who confiscate the extinguishers from the small 3 man team. Chavo realizes that his time is nearly up, and it only gets worse when Kash hits the ropes causing Chavo to land in a precarious position.

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Kash throws Chavo down to the mat rather forcefully and then signals to the crowd that he’s going for a little highflying move of his own. He makes it to the top but before he can even try anything Chavo is there and the two begin trading punches. Chavo gets Kash with a few good shots and on more than one occasion Kash finds himself teetering and about to fall out of the ring. Kash catches Chavo with an incredibly tough headbutt knocking the Mexican Warrior off balance and he drops down to the mat. Kash tries to find his footing, but that pesky Chavo is back at it again and he climbs up on the second turnbuckle so he can a better angle at Kash’s face. Kash tries for the headbutt again, but Chavo has it scouted and he moves his head out of the way and then nearly cracks Kash’s skull open with a sickening elbow. Chavo climbs up to the top now and he’s about read to go for a major superplex until Kash delivers a couple of quick blows to the rib cage and then he pokes Chavo in the eye. For a second it looks like Chavo is going to take a big spill but Kash grabs him and tucks Chavo’s head between his legs.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 NRysv

Kash raises Chavo in the air as he leaps off the top and throws him down to the mat with a super powerbomb! Both men are down and seemingly out and the crowd is on their feet after that incredible spot even though it was Chavo who got the worst end of it.

Michael Cole:
Yes, Kash! That’s how you do it!

Jerry Lawler:
Did you see how high the flames jumped when they made impact with the mat? That was incredible move!

Jim Ross:
I may not like Kash or the way he acts, but even I have to admit that was something special. These two are really pulling out all the stops to make sure the other isn’t able to walk out of here.

Michael Cole:
Well if that’s the case it looks like Kash as got this, there’s no way Chavo is getting up from that.

Jerry Lawler:
Well it’s not like Kash landed on a cloud, he has to be hurting some too.

Michael Cole:
But look at Chavo he hasn’t even moved yet!

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 DtKqO

The camera cuts back to the in ring action and Cole is right: Chavo is in the exact same position he was in when he landed. While Kash is slowly working his way to his feet though his knees are a bit wobbly. Kash stumbles over to the ropes where he yells at anyone who will listen. Turn this damn thing off! Don’t you see that I won? He’s broken, I broke him. Now just let me get the hell out of here! I don’ t wa-- Kash is abruptly cut off as Chavo crawls up behind him and delivers a low blow that looks absolutely painful and Kash collapses to the mat as uses his hands to protect his groin from further attacks. Chavo watches as his the people he brought out to guard the ring tussle with the three men who tried to put out the fire. Realizing that it’s now or never, Chavo shouts: Don’t turn it off, turn it up! And as he says that…

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 FjNDF

The flames leap high into the air cover block the view of the entire inside of the ring. And it burns with such an intensity and almost everyone in the arena can feel the heat radiating from it. Thuds can be heard from the inside letting everyone know that the battle still wages on.

Jim Ross:
No! Chavo, no! Somebody help! My God please somebody out this fire out!

Michael Cole:
Oh… now you want somebody to help?

Jim Ross:
This has gone way too far! Why Chavo? You didn’t have to risk everything to prove a point!

Jerry Lawler
I just can’t believe what I’m seeing right now.

Michael Cole:
You better believe it, it’s like I said earlier stupid people do stupid things and this is just the epitome of stupidity.

Jim Ross:
You have fans, Chavo! You have a family! You still have people out there that believed in you! I believed in you Chavo!

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RMlej

The flames are still burning high above the ring and through small gaps you can see what looks to be the two men still going at it in the middle of the ring. Everybody is just watching the scene in awe from the crowds, to Chavo’s guards, to the three men that were sent out here to help. There’s just something dangerous yet beautiful about the way the flames dance around the ring flickering and cracking as in bathes those around it in a soft red-orangle glow. You can still hear the sounds of the two men going at it, but for how much longer will they have the will to fight when the flames around them threaten to take away their lively hood?

Jim Ross:
How long can they breathe in there!? How long can they be expected to survive!? For the love of god somebody come out here and do something!

Jerry Lawler:
Yeah, I’m really starting to get worried, the heat is making me sweat and look how far from the ring we are.

Jim Ross:
It’s hell on Earth in that ring! And the devil himself may drag the those two men down with him!

Michael Cole:
Would you just calm down JR? If they were in any real danger I’m sure they would have done something by now.

Jim Ross:
I will NOT calm down, and I will NOT be ashamed of caring too much about the men who risk their lives every single week!

Michael Cole:
Well you yelling isn’t gonna fix anything, and you’re starting to give me a headache.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 7nMlS

The flames are still at their peak flaring about without a care in the world. The flames aren’t bothered by the destruction it causes, it doesn’t care how many lives it ruins or how many people it scars and disfiguers. The flames just want to do the one thing they were brought to Digital Decision to do: burn, and they’re ready to do just that, they’re ready to be fed and they’re ready for their cravings to be indulged and its hunger to be satisfied. Whether the body sacrificed to it is Chavo or Kash or some unfortunate soul who wanders too close, it doesn’t matter.

Jim Ross:
I can’t… I just can’t sit here and watch this go on any longer. I have to do something if no one else will.

Michael Cole:
I appreciate the thought, but I’m not in the mood for barbeque right now.

Jerry Lawler:
You’re a real class act you know that?

Michael Cole:
Well somebody has to keep the mood light around here. Get it? Light… fire? Aw, I crack myself up.

Jerry Lawler:
What is wrong with you? How can you sit there and crack horrible jokes at a time like this?

Michael Cole:
It’s like I said, if they were any real danger someone would…
Cole stops as he spots Vickie run out from backstage yelling at the guards and the three men armed with fire extinguishers to go do something snapping them out of the trance the fell into after being captivated by the fire. The fire extinguishers go off and with the flames gone, to everyone’s surprise Chavo and Kash are still going at it. But they’re not chain wrestling, jumping around the ring or applying submissions they’re standing face to face in the middle of the ring trading punches. They’re not blocking or trying to dodge, they’re standing they’re like men taking the full brunt of every shot their opponent has to offer. It has come down to the point where the man who can endure the most pain will survive. Back and forth and back and forth Chavo and Kash go trading punches, sometimes chops, and everything else in between. The two men are dripping with sweat and you can hear then cough violently at times as precious oxygen soaks their lungs. Chavo connects with an European uppercut that drops Kash to his knees and Kash retaliates with a chop and knocks Chavo down to the same spot. The two men stare at each other with hatred and anger in their eyes, and they each headbutt each other at the same time and collapse to the mat. Medical personnel flood the ring and roll the two men gingerly out of opposite sides of the ring.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 KHNwS
XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 HNxPI

After showing both men out on the floor, who are later supplied with oxygen masks, the camera cuts to Vickie who is being held back but is screaming loudly.

Vickie Guerrero:
Chavo I’m sorry! It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Digital Decision heads to a video package leaving everyone to take in the events that just unfolded.
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 9:34 pm

*As Digital Decision continues Jim Ross is stood backstage with the United States champion Shawn Michaels to the displeasure of the crowd*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 HBK1-2

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen I am live backstage with the United States champion Shawn Michaels and in just a moments time we will find out what kind of match you, Shawn the champion will defend your coveted United States championship against Daniel Bryan. It's one of the following. A. The champions choice, a ladder match, something you are more then familiar with, the last ladder match you were in was of course at X-Treme X-mas when you defeated Kevin Steen in your first title defence. Or option B, the challengers choice a submission match, and as everyone is aware Bryan is a submission specialist defeating some of the best in the world with a variety of submission locks and holds including Shawn Michaels, however you Shawn also hold a submission victory over Daniel Bryan a month ago at Unforgiven, and then there's choice C, the Breakdown General Manager's choice a Fall's Count Anywhere match, as after months of fighting and arguing Mick Foley has decided it must come to an end, and what better way then letting you to fight it out all over the arena?

*A screen showing the match options is shown on the screen for a few seconds*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RESULTS1

Jim Ross: Ok, and I'm receiving world now that the voting was been closed, and just before we reveal the results to you and the world, can we get your thoughts on what kind of match you would prefer?

*Shawn looks at JR, smirking to himself for a second before answering the question*

Shawn Michaels: Come on now Jim, just look at me, I'm the United States champion, I've got my belt right here to prove it, I've mastered the ladder match, stole the show at countless pay-per-views in them, revolutionised them, pretty much changed the entire industry when I wrestled a ladder at Wrestlemania X, I've already made Daniel Bryan tap out to his own submission at Unforgiven as you did point out and as for Falls Counts Anywhere, what does that even mean? So I can pin him in the crowd, at ringside, at McDonalds so then when he loses he can console himself with a Double Cheeseburger, really it doesn't bother me what kind of match it is Jim, I don't need a ring, to show why I'm the best man that ever stepped in one, I can and will steal the show in whatever scenario, whatever kind of match and against any odds and anyone, that's why I'm the United States champion and Daniel Bryan is not.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 3-23

Jim Ross: Well thank you for the insight Shawn and now if you turn your attention to this screen here, the results will be revealed.

*The previous screen displaying the match options returns to the screen then after a few seconds the voting results are displayed*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RESULTS2

Jim Ross: And there you have it folks, way out in the lead winning the vote by a huge margin with 74% of the vote, a Ladder match.

*Shawn smirks again as JR confirms the United States championship match will be contested in a ladder match*

Jim Ross: Now Shawn as we just saw tonight you will be defending your United States championship against Daniel Bryan in a ladder match later tonight, which was your match of choice, beating out the other two possibilities by a landslide. Do you feel that gives you the edge going into this match?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 4-22

Shawn Michaels: Let's just take the result of a poll for one second JR, a landslide victory for the match I wanted, and it just goes to show what Shawn Michaels wants, Shawn Michaels gets. And it goes to show just how idiotic and pathetic the XWL fans really are, they go around moronically chanting yes, yes, yes saying he's the best wrestler to ever lived, but the second anyone panders to them they go and do whatever they want them to do. And I knew they'd do just that, I knew just how fickle the fans are and I used that to my advantage and got exactly what I wanted, and as you just said by a landslide margin. A bit like later tonight when I face Daniel Bryan I'll also win by a landslide margin, in fact their might as well not even be a match tonight because it's just THAT clear to everyone who's walking out of that match still as champion. Tell you what Jim, since you're sticking around for a bit why don't I give you and all of these idiots here in Las Vegas, Nevada of all places to shout yes about.

*As the crowd boo the Heartbreak Kid dissing their town, Shawn pauses for a moment, then begins to speak pausing momentarily as the crowd shout "Yes" during each pause*

Shawn Michaels: The place Daniel Bryan sleeps, trains, drinks, eats, gambles all of his earnings away, spends his savings on cheap worthless women of the night because nobody as truly like him for who his is, that isn't a little dweeb with a video camera documenting his every move.

*The crowd boo Shawn once more for him disrespecting Mitch*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 5-23

Shawn Michaels: And the fact that everyone of those things was received by a yes from you nimrods out there just goes to show how pathetic you people are, you want something’s to chant yes about how about trying these things on for size? YES! I am the Headliner! YES! I am the Showstopper! YES! I am the Icon! YES! I am the Mainevent! YES! I am the Heartbreak Kid! And YES! Oh YES! I am the longest reigning XWL United States champion in history. And YES! After tonight I will remain the United States champion for a long long time!

*The crowd boo Shawn once more as he mocks Daniel Bryan whilst talking himself up*

Jim Ross: Clearly you're as confident as ever Shawn, not that you've ever doubted yourself, but don't you think you could be selling your opponent short, after all he has not one but two victories over you and after his huge victory over the World Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase on Breakdown last week, don't you think that gives him all the momentum in the world going into tonight?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 7-21

Shawn Michaels: Momentum? Everyone talks about it, but really what is it all about? So what Daniel Bryan beat Ted DiBiase last week? I beat him two weeks ago, he made me tap out, I made him tap out first, Daniel Bryan is nothing but a Shawn Michaels wannabe, you might not want to admit it, and he clearly doesn't want to admit it, but the signs are all there, just think about it, why else would Daniel Bryan travel all the way to Washington to San Antonio to be trained by me? Well actually that's a stupid question a better question why would someone not move to San Antonio to be trained by the best ever? Why else would he be obsessed with becoming the new Headliner, the new Mainevent, the new Showstopper? It's obvious JR, Daniel Bryan wants to be Shawn Michaels. But unfortunately for him, there will only ever be one Shawn Michaels and you're looking at him right now, and what else JR, their will always be more and more Daniel Bryan's each and every day wanting to be the second Shawn Michaels but they will all ultimately fail because nobody else in this damn business has what it takes to hang with me, nobody is crazy enough, is ballsy enough, is damn good enough for that gig, but ME. Not in the past, the present or the future, nobody will surpass the HBKid!

Jim Ross: So you don't think that Daniel Bryan will cause you any problems tonight?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 6-21

Shawn Michaels: Please Jim, it's me come on now, what do you think is going to happen out there, it's Shawn Michaels vs. a ladder, and let me tell you I've been in the ring with a LOT of ladders in my time, and boy can they put up a good fight, sometimes you think you've got it set up, then it falls right back down again, but when it stays up right and I climb up rung by rung and pull down my United States championship belt, it will all be worth it, and as far as I'm concerned Daniel Bryan is just an insignificant distraction trying to stop me of doing what I was born to do and that's steal the damn show and that's exactly what I'm going to do tonight because I can! Hell I'd like to finish this off by saying I've got just two words for that kid Daniel Bryan but since it's him, he doesn't even get one.

*Shawn takes his championship off his shoulder and shows it to the camera before running his name underneath the nameplate, then walks off as the camera's fade out to black*
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P.R Son
P.R Son

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 12:30 am

As we return The Divas Champion can be seen walking in the backstage area. She's twirling her hair with a confident glow exuding from her. Perhaps it's due to finally putting away Eve for good in tonight's opening match. Or maybe it's because she was right, based on Eve's actions following their match, Eve was using Teddy Long. Regardless of what it is it seems like Layla's in quite possibly the best mood she's ever been in.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Q4a8t

She starts to pass by a waiting cameraman, who stops her with a feint and barely audible "Layla?"

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 H5qkk

I'm sorry are you talking to me?

Yes ma'am.


I wondered if we could get a moment of your time? I realize you must be exhausted from your grueling championship defense earlier on in the night but I-

Layla stops him before he can continue his remark.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 D2BGi

Grueling? Exhausted? Do I look tired to you? Do I appear to be limping? Am I flustered at all? No? Then looks like you've answered your question already. Honestly Eve is not a challenge, I've proven that once, twice, and earlier I made that a third time. I tried to make this easy on her, I let her get the only victory she'll ever get at a pay-per-view, but that wasn't enough. She had to act like I was afraid of her...that she was a "challenge." Well lookie here, surprise surprise, tonight she got her big chance to prove that she's a somebody, but instead, all she proved, is that she's not even in my league. You know I almost feel bad for her, almost. Poor thing suffering an injury, how ever will we go on without her? Ha!

She laughs quickly before ending with a devilish smile, almost taking pride in potentially taking Eve out.

So you show no remorse for injuring a woman that lives and breathes this business? That's a little much don't you think?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 UcTo5

Oh I'm being too hard on her am I? You're not the one that has had to meet her at not one, not two, but three consecutive pay-per-views when I knew all along from the very beginning, I'd be the one that would reign supreme, and she'd do what she does best, lie on her back!

Can I get your view of what happened following your victory? Eve was being assisted by medical officials and Teddy Long and then-

Do I look stupid to you? I was out there, I know very well what happened. What I said once again proved to be exactly as I knew it'd go all along. All the manipulation in the world isn't enough to take this title from me...she locked me in my locker room, had me face a woman that quite frankly leaves me questioning whether or not she's even a woman to begin with....I'm pretty sure I saw an Adam's apple underneath all that fatty cellulite she calls a neck.

Are you talking about Kharma?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RtdMc

Who else? The only reason she pinned me is because she's so out of shape I practically smothered under all the fatty folds that were just bulging out from that poor excuse of an "attire."

Some might call that a death wish...

Because I hurt her wittle feelings with my honesty? Deep down underneath the years of abusive fast food and all you can eat buffet pig outs lies a scared little girl just wanting to fit in. News flash, if you wanna fit in, you gotta learn how to at least fit in something that isn't in the double digits.

Moving on, with one challenger disposed of, another arises as I'm sure you've heard. At the Supershow you and every other champion in XWL will be forced to put their titles on the line against unknown at this time challengers. Are you at all worried as to who might step up to face you?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 PYp1U

Worried? Me? Pa-lease! There is not one diva in this company that is on my level. That's not just arrogance, that's a fact. The Chickbusters? Busted. The Beautiful People? Already taken care of last year at this exact event. The Bella Twins? Rumor has it they were given their walking papers this past week after such a poor performance in their tag-team match. Shame, Brie seemed to be the only thing closest to "talent" this division has but alas she's gone, and life moves on. Nattie? Just a big fat fattie that needs some serious anger management. That's not how a lady talks, but then again, she does have her fathers looks, so what do ya expect? Beth Phoenix? She hasn't been relevant since...like...ever! Even when she was champion she was just a boring afterthought that never would shut up...I hate people that, don't you?

He coughs suddenly.

Excuse me?

Sorry I must be allergic to something in the air.

Maybe it's that horrible stench coming from you? I'm the one that just came from a match honey, what's your excuse? There's this thing called deodorant ya' know.

Thank you I'll be sure to pick some up.

See to it that you do, I thought something walked over here and died or something. My god...just awful.

Moving on, there was one name you didn't mention...but it's a name you've not hesitated to mention a lot recently, any reason you failed to list Michelle McCool?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 8KiLM

Whoa there Sherlock, before you go snooping for a scoop let me say it as clearly as I can. I didn't list Michelle because she doesn't deserve to be listed. It's been what, a year and half since she's done ANYTHING? Honestly why is she in a match tonight? She's just going to lose once again and embarrass herself. What's worse, apparently if she loses, which that's like asking if a dog will bark, or Maryse will add more chemical bleach to what she calls hair at this point...that she will have to issue a public apology for everything she's done? Talk about officially reaching rock bottom. It's just sad, sad and pathetic to think that I once stood along side that...that...loser!

I don't understand, you two seemed inseparable how can you just turn your back on her just because she's going through a rough patch.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Vswzw

A rough patch? It's been over a year, I've done just fine on my own, what's her problem? Does she need a little lackey do her every bidding because she's too scared to do it herself? Does she need someone to distract the referee and throw themselves in harms way just so she can win a match? Which by the way, I never once got one thank you. Is it any coincidence at all that every title reign she had I played apart of? All those years wasted when I could've been the one in the spotlight. She could've played second fiddle to me once in a while, but no, she had to hog all the spotlight for her greedy self. My how times have changed, I thought us being split in the draft last year was going to be the worst moment in my career, but it turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to me! I got away from that sinking ship and soared to heights never before thought of. Me! Not Lay-Cool, not Michelle and Layla, but Layla! I'm the star around here, and it's about time people realize that. I thought 'Chelle was my BFF, but I've realized she never was my friend to begin with. A friend doesn't use you for their own personal gain, a friend doesn't make you do all the dirty work just so their hands remain spotless and clean...and a friend doesn't hold you back in fear of you going further than they ever did themselves.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LIZGe

You see this title? It's mine! All my hard work has paid off, and I couldn't be happier. I don't need Michelle, this year proved exactly that. She needed me, oh, it's ever so evident that she needed me to succeed in this company. But I'm through being anybodies sidekick, those days are long gone, and the days of the Simply Flawless in every way Divas Champion have arrived. We used to call ourselves "Simply Flawless" but I'm officially trademarking that as my own. No one else is like me, no one else deserves to title themselves as the picture of perfection that I am. So "'Chelle" if you're watching, that includes you. Good luck tonight, you losers do need all the luck you can get after all.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Mxn1H

She brushes her hair back with a bitchy in every way smile following her brutal statement about the woman she used to be so close to, then walks away as the cameraman is left stunned by her vicious remarks about everything, but especially towards her former partner.

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 6:47 pm

This took fucking ages to read

You play Kash's hick-like character well in terms of dialogue, it makes your stuff as him different to read, in a good way. Being the straight forward, brute kinda guy he is, showing that he's going to end Chavo's career. He really runs him down in this promo and the vibe I got from it was he was going all out before ending Chavo. I didn't expect the little poem, or sonnet or whatever you wanna call it before Chavo's entrance but it was different and it clicked well with the vibe of the promo so far. Gave me kind of a closure feeling for the upcoming confrontation. I liked the little back and forth between Chavo and Kash, Chavo's paragraph before the inferno setup begins was well written, how he just needs to act in the moment. When you told me you weren't sure on this idea, I knew you'd be able to set it up really well and you did that. Chavo's going to risk it all to get rid of him. Your write up was as descriptive and in depth as ever, your creative writing is brilliant especially with the addition of the coloured text to show what Chavo and Kash are saying to add that bit more of drama. The way this was laid out is interesting because it's not a legit match, just a fight. The hard hitting action and the way you describe it really displays emotion between the two men, such anger. The Tornado DDT reversal spot was a nice one, the fact that they're really fighting until the flames are put out is awesome. The line where Chavo says only one of them is walking out got me hyped up for continuing to read. The flames going higher to scare Kash is just upping the tension of it. I thought the guys bringing out fire extinguishers was going to be the end but ftw those random henchmen. Chavo's heart shines through in this, the spot where Kash has Chavo hurt and tries to get the flames down only for a low blow was great. Them fighting it out punch for punch until the very end was a sick way for it to end, I'm not really sure if this is the end of Chavo/Kash or not as it's a believeable way to write Kash out, or maybe he wants more? Either way this write up was fantastic, the pre match promo, content, pictures and dialogue made it the complete package. Definintely MOTN so far.

Fav Line

"Sometimes you have to do things without thinking, act in the moment, let your emotions take over and that’s what I’m doing right now."


First off, the caps used for these were really cool. The setup for this promo was great, a cool little way to introduce the chosen match type and to have HBK's promo go hand in hand. I myself was hoping for Ladder Match so I'm glad to see that it was chosen. HBK's cockiness shined through before that though with how he doesn't care on the match type and especially the line of how Bryan will eat a cheeseburger after losing, fake vegan. plain mischief: HBK's really tears into Bryan in this one, giving him his all. Bringing up how he won the vote in a landslide margin, and how he believes he'll win in a landside margin was a great line. Copying the YES chants to get across his own catchphrases was funny too. I really liked the paragraph about how Bryan wants to be HBK, a lot of good points raised in that. This promo flows well, your HBK character is probably my favourite in XWL at the moment. Can't wait to see the ladder match to see if you can hold onto that US title.

Fav Line

"I'd like to finish this off by saying I've got just two words for that kid Daniel Bryan but since it's him, he doesn't even get one."

I'm insatiable I can't get enough

Layla's quick witted and bitchy attitude shined through well in this promo, as always. I liked the line of sarcasm where she asks how XWL will go on without Eve. I lol'd at Layla talking about a fat diva and the interviewer asking if it was Kharma. She really runs down the possible opponents for her which made me realise there isn't much for the divas to offer at all, we need more *cough* RCP be a diva. I always find the Michelle talk interesting since Kyle promos so much as her. The paragraph about the breakdown of Lay-Cool and how Layla has broken through Michelle's shadow to become her own diva was a good read. Especially Layla taking the simply flawless tag as her own which really shows how she has moved on from that. I'm interested to see where Layla goes from here now that the Eve feud is over. But back to the promo it was solid as always, an entertaining remarks with a good few bits of sarcasm which I always like and typing up some knots with things like Lay-Cool. Gr9 stuff

Fav Line

"Nattie? Just a big fat fattie that needs some serious anger management."
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 10:43 pm

*As a video package hyping XWL Redemption Superstar Dolph Ziggler comes to a close, we fade backstage to one of the many corridors of the MGM Grand Garden Arena to see XWL Intercontinental Champion, Christian, preparing for his 15 Championship match which is coming up real soon. A camera man and a interviewer approach Christian, looking to conduct an interview.*

Uhh, excuse me Christian. Do you have some time to spare for an interview?

I have some time, not much though. My XWL 15 Championship match is not that long from now, so if you want an interview then get started.

Okay well tonight, as you mentioned, you are facing John Bradshaw Layfield in fifteen minute iron man match for the XWL 15 Championship. What exactly made you want to throw your name into the hat of challengers and do you think that you'll be able to beat him?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 4NGBO

Can I beat John Bradshaw Layfield? That question has a simple answer. Yes, I can beat JBL. In case you've forgotten, this isn't the same Christian as the one who first came to XWL. The same Christian who never won a championship in XWL. This is the Christian who has what it takes to become Champion. This isn't the same Christian who hid behind Mark Henry to become X-Treme Champion. This Christian, really needs no one. Just himself. For years now I've been in this company, working my ass off to get to where I am now. It took that long to finally win a championship, to finally become someone and JBL won't be able to stop me from becoming the new and greatest XWL 15 Champion to date. Why would I be the best? Cause I'm Christian. Captain Charisma. The Instant Classic, and I don't even need 15 minutes to beat my opponent. If you look at it, 15 is just a number. You're probably thinking "You don't say" but you know what I mean and in case you don't, let me just say that 15 minutes is not needed. Give me 5 minutes, 10 at the most, and I'll have the match against JBL secured. But why did I challenge for the medal? Hey, the Intercontinental Championship is great and all. But there is always enough room for more. Nearly every person feels that way, you get something but you still want more. And unlike most people, I have the chance to get more. I have the chance because I'm that damn good. That is also why I'm the Intercontinental Champion, isn't it?

I'd assume so.

You assume so?

Well, I'd just assume that you'd have to be good if you'd want to hold a major championship like the Intercontinental Championship in XWL. Is that the case? Or isn't it?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 L5NMl

Depends on what champion you look at. If you look at a champion like myself, Shawn Michaels or Layla then yes, that is the case. But go and look at Ted DiBiase and then that wouldn't be the case. I can't say I like the guy but I couldn't say I don't like him either. He's just there, ya know what I mean? Not to sound like the bad guy, even though to most watching at home I am, but I don't care about Ted. Tonight, I only care about two people. John Bradshaw Layfield and Davey Richards... *The fans burst into cheers at the mention of Davey.* For near two months now Davey and I have been going at it, him saying how "The Hunt Is On" and how he'll retake his Intercontinental Championship. First of all, his? HIS Intercontinental Championship is in some dump, god knows where. MY Intercontinental Championship is right here, and will stay right here. I'm done with Davey, I want him gone. Out of my sight. Go on, go win the World Heavyweight Championship voting. Fine by me, just stay out of my way Davey. And after tonight, you will want to stay out of my way because when I get into that ring with you, things will be over for you. Possibly, things will be over with your wrestling career.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 COuQ6

I admit, I'm scared. But not of Davey Richards, but scared of the chair that will be placed in the hands of Davey Richards. That is, if a chairs match is voted to be the stipulation of the match. Just imagine if a Fight Without Honor match got chosen, what exactly will be done then? Will I be gone from XWL with injury's that will stop me from competing in the ring ever again? *The fans cheer at the last statement made by Christian.* Funny, you fans sure to know me well. If anyone is going to be injured it is going to be Davey. He hasn't even lost the Intercontinental Championship match and he is already in contention for the World Heavyweight Championship? What kinda crap is that? Why am I not in the voting? I've beaten Randy Orton, I beat Cody Rhodes not to long ago and I'm going to be Davey Richards here tonight... again.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Qvdm9

When I get back from the Intercontinental Championship match with the title still in my hands, ask me that exact question. "Why isn't Christian one of the voting options?" Please, ask me that. And my answer will be the same as what I'm about to say. Christian just doesn't meet the generic status quo of the World Heavyweight Championship yet somehow Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Davey Richards do. I'm good enough for the Intercontinental Championship but I'm apparently "not ready" or "not good enough" for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now if you would excuse me, I got a medal to go win. Davey, prepare yourself later for a match that will be remembered as an Instant Classic.

*Christian takes his shirt off his shoulder and begins to walk down the corridor. The camera fades back to the inside of the MGM Grand Garden arena as we prepare for the XWL 15 Championship match.*

15 Min Ironman Match

XWL 15 Title

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 VZRPt

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LYcQLXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Fe6Pi
Christian Vs JBL (C)

SCORE: 4-1

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 LYcQL

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 7:22 am

Such a championship hog

The first couple lines of the big paragraph at the start was nice because it does show how far Christian's character has come. You capture his persona well where he's sort of cocky but he has reason to since he backs it up a lot. The reasoning for going for the medal was good. The talk against Ted and how Davey's IC title is in the dump because Christian revamped the title was nice. I like how you had him kind of brush off Davey without him seeming like a real threat, he could be underestimating him though. The rant against Davey being in the WHC vote when he already has a shot at the IC title is a very good point. The last paragraph was interesting, because it kind of is true, if Christian retains and Davey's in the WHC voting it won't look good. This promo was really good, your promos have improved leaps and bounds lately, you play a great Christian. Congrats on winning the 15 title.

Fav Line

"Cause I'm Christian. Captain Charisma. The Instant Classic, and I don't even need 15 minutes to beat my opponent."
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 1:47 pm

dat win Austin, Congratts!
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 2:02 pm

Christian's theme hits as he celebrates his victory over JBL, putting his new medal around his neck and Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he walks down the ramp to the stage.

To everyone's surprise Kurt Angle's theme hits as The Olympian walks out onto the stage along with a sea of boos and "You Suck" chants. The new XWL 15 Medalist and the Olympic Gold Medalist walk by each other, pausing for a moment in the process to exchange a few words that the camera can't pick up before Christian disappears behind the curtain and Angle begins to make his way down to the ring.

I wonder what those two had to say to each other.

I bet Angle was congratulating our Champion Christian, what a match that was by Captain Charisma!

Well it was odd timing for Angle to come out just as Christian was leaving, I wonder what The Olympian has to say.

Angle is in the middle of the ring now with a mic in hand, he wastes no time talking over the booing crowd

{{Kurt Angle}}
I just wanted to start off by saying that Digital Decision has got to be the stupidest Pay Per View idea I've ever heard of! Letting the fans, the same fans here in Las Vegas who can't even control their urges to waste their hard earned burger flipping money on gambling, prostitutes, and booze control my future? And for what? To make you people feel like you actually matter? To make your hoarse chain smoking voices heard?... Or when it comes down to it is it really just for the money? Because money is what really matters in this industry right?... Wrong! This is a wrestling show dammit! Wrestling is what matters! And if you people actually gave a damn about wrestling then this.. this.. this abomination wouldn't have happened...

Angle points to the titantron which lights up, showing the results that were voted in for the match between Kurt Angle and Matt Morgan.

A. First Blood Match... 60%
B. Iron Man Match... 20%
C. Extreme Rules Match... 20%

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 534589ad

{{Kurt Angle}}
How much wrestling skill does it take to cut someone open with a weapon? None. Wrestling is making you opponent tap out to a submission maneuver, wrestling is pinning your opponent's shoulders to the mat for the one, two, three, wrestling... is what I do best, better than anyone in the XWL, better than anyone in the world, because I'm the personification of wrestling, I'm wrestling at it's finest, and unlike all the second best wrestlers in the XWL who love to call themselves the best... I have proof to back it up!

Angle holds up his Olympic Gold Medal as he continues

{{Kurt Angle}}
How many former Intercontinental, United States, or even World Champions are there in the XWL? Well lets see we have Kurt Angle, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Kane, Sheamus too many to count right? Now how many Olympic Gold Medalists are there in the XWL? Well let's see, we have Kurt Angle.. and... oh that's right, I'm the only one, and I sure as hell didn't win this by making my opponents bleed, I won this by doing what the W in XWL stands for, I won this by wrestling, and in doing so I proved that I was without a doubt the best wrestler in the world. Back in the WWE I won multiple World Titles, multiple awards, and countless matches to prove that I was still the best wrestler in the world and now? Now that I'm back in the XWL I'm here to prove that I am still the best, that I still got it, and that this gold medal around my neck isn't just for show. Tonight I'm going to make Matt Morgan tap out, tonight I'm going to pin "The Blueprint" for the one, two, three, tonight I'm going to prove that I'm a better wrestler than Matt Morgan and then and only then will I split his stupid looking face open and make him bleed like a pig! You all might have voted for a match where wrestling doesn't matter but I'm a damn wrestler and I'll make it matter because unlike any of you I matter! And once I beat Matt Morgan tonight I'm never going to have to see him again, because it's only going to take one match for him to realize that he'll never, ever, be able to beat me.

Angle pauses for a moment as the crowd boos

{{Kurt Angle}}
So after tonight while he's busy trying to "save" the X-Treme Title or whatever nobodies like him do, I'll  be patiently waiting my turn to face Christian for the XWL 15 Medal that he just won. And why do I say Christian might you ask? Well I looked to see who was above me on the list to challenge for the medal and you know what I saw? Mediocracy. I'll start with Sin Cara, the high flying "sensation" from Mexico. Now I've defeated the best wrestlers that not only Mexico but the world had to offer in the Olympics, so facing Sin Cara would be a walk in the park. Next we have Matt Morgan, the seven foot never has been from Connecticut. Well tonight I'm going to prove just how much more dominant pure wrestling skill is than size. Then we have R-Truth, the crazy spider hating conspirator who can't even spell his own name. Maybe a German Suplex or two will straighten up that head of his? And then we have our current champion, the only man on that list who I believe would be worth my time wrestling. I've seen what Christian can do in the ring, I knew that he would beat JBL tonight just like I believe he'll defeat each and every man on the list before me. So I know that when it comes down to it, me and Christian, Kurt Angle and Captain Charisma, will be facing off for the XWL 15 Medal in a month from now, and if my calculations are correct that would mean that we would be facing off at Supremacy which is good because believe me Sin Cara, Matt Morgan, or R-Truth would never be able to live up to the expectations that come with a championship match at a Pay Per View like I can. So Captain Charisma, while you stress out this next month defending your XWL 15 Medal each and every week while trying to hold onto your Intercontinental Championship on Redemption, I'll be patiently waiting on Breakdown for our match, proving why there is only one, and will only be one Olympic Gold Medalist in the XWL. Oh it's true! It's Damn True!... And Matt Morgan, later tonight, it's gonna get real! Damn Real!

Well those are some strong words from Kurt Angle not only to Matt Morgan but also to our new XWL 15 and current Intercontinental Champion Christian! Time will only tell if he can back it all up!

We fade to a video package for Captain Charisma.

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P.R Son
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 4:16 pm

As Digital Decision continues Eve is shown coming out of the medics room. She instantly stops and turns around to see a sad Teddy Long waiting for her outside of the room. She lets out a little sign and gives Teddy a fake smile

Teddy Long
Why Eve? Why?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 MCxov

Eve Torres
Why what Teddy? Why did I do what I did? Why did I slap and kick you? It’s simple Teddy you weren’t helping my career. You were doing nothing for me so I had to get rid. For months and months I have had my eyes set on the diva’s title and I have had been willing to do anything, ANYTHING. I put on this fake smile and personality to get what I wanted. But again tonight we all saw Layla beat me. Layla beat me after giving me a hairline fracture in my leg. I kept fighting because I wanted that title. I went through hell out there for that title and it still wasn’t good enough. I’ll never be good enough for that title. I worked my ass off and went through hell and gave it all out there tonight. I went out with the intensions of walking out the champion. For the last two times I have been so close but Layla once again got the win.

Teddy Long
I…I don’t understand…

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 O8iLK

Eve Torres
What don’t you get Teddy? I used you. Simple. It wasn’t a matter of liking you it was a matter of using my beauty to get what I want. If it wasn’t for you I would have never got a rematch for the divas title. You gave me two opportunities. I thought you might have even been out their too support me but you didn’t. Look Teddy I can see you’re upset but did you really think a gorgeous girl who isn’t even in her thirties yet would fall for someone like you? A old man with absolutely nothing and I don’t even mean that in a nice way you have nothing going for you. Even when you book matches it took my brains to do it for you. Vickie personally thanked me for the recent help I gave to you. I did your job better than you which proves you aren’t even good enough to work for this company. I don’t understand Teddy? Why do you keep fighting and trying to be the best, you will always be at the bottom of the ladder and beautiful girls like me will always be at the top.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 O7vC0

Eve Torres
Teddy you look upset. Is it because I didn’t kiss you? Or because I used you for my own acts. Personally I don’t know what you are complaining about, any man on this planet would kill to be used by a girl like me. I am gorgeous, talented and I am the greatest diva in this company. I’m done with being the goody girl you have seen for months. Look where It’s gotten me. I nearly did this weeks ago but I kept my cool. When Layla wasn’t at the show, I was the one who locked her in her room. I was the one who lied blatantly in front of your face and like the typical man you are you fell for every last word. You’re pathetic Teddy do you know that? Teddy, let’s just look at the facts. Where would you be if it wasn’t for me. I gave you just the slightest bit of credibility. I made you into a somebody, before me you was hardly ever on this show and you was just a managers assistant. I gave you some power. You didn’t make me a champion and you ruined the chance. I would have loved to have worked with you Teddy. Well it wouldn’t have been worked with as much as I would have used you to keep the title for as long as I could but you know….

Teddy Long

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 FA5Lv

Eve Torres
Cat got your tounge? Are you too afraid to speak your mind? Listen Teddy I don’t know what you thought was going to happen but you will never get any of this. No one is good enough to get any of this. It is time for a change in XWL Teddy. I am tired with you getting people nowhere. You were meant to do me some good but you caused more trouble that it was worth. When you came out to check on me I was slightly surprised. You actually cared about me but I had to break your heart then and there. You were a waste of time and this little plan was a waste of time. I wanted that title so bad but I was going about it all the wrong way. You see now I can just go and attack Layla and steal that title. I don’t need to act all lovey dovey with a stupid assistant to get anywhere in this company. Now if you don’t mind I have to go, Vickie wanted to speak to me and offered me a proposition. Let’s just hope it’s the chance to see you gone from XWL Teddy. It’s been nice knowing you.

Eve let’s out a fake smirk before barging past Teddy while on crutches. She walks down the corridor as the camera follows and fades out with her knocking on the door of the Redemption GM’s office.

Posting for Ash.
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 5:21 pm

Digital Decision is in full swing and we are now backstage to hear from the former Intercontinental Champion and American Wolf Davey Richards. A cameraman walks outside and Davey is actually on his phone. Davey gets off his phone ready to talk to the XWL Universe.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_9-8-1000160

Davey Richards: Oh hey there is it that time already?Ok so I thought I would air a few of my thoughts live here in Sin City, Las Vegas. Its funny because we are in the Gambling mecca and on the strip you are pushing your luck and trying to get that ONE BIG WIN!!! Well tonight I am going for that one big win, I am going into my match tonight looking to pull off the jackpot and reclaim the Intercontinental Championship before it comes anymore tainted and disrespected by Christian. That was me getting to the point, but tonight the match stipulation is in the hands of YOU, the fans, you get chance to pick what type of match we have to prepare ourselves for tonight. There is 3 options and I know since they were announce you have all been voting and I cannot wait to find out which one it is going to be. But that said I am not too bothered about the result because I am going to go out there and out wrestle, I am going to out fight and I am going to win. But I am going to take a quick look at each of the options for you all to pick.

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Davey Richards: Well first we have Option A, the Chairs Match. A match which is basically a No DQ match but the use of chairs is encouraged and well received. Well I have never been one for having to wield a chair but I have had my fair share of contact with them due to some of the assholes I have had to face. But thats in the past, Christian be sure that if this is the match type that is picked, I will not be afraid to pick up a steel chair hold it above my head and slam it down right on your skull. So I am glad that you are afraid what I will do with the chair because I will show no mercy, I will do what needs to be done to get back what I deserve. Christian, don't think that just because chairs are legal that is all I am going to do to hurt you because I don't need them to hurt you, I am can hurt you with my kicks, my fist and I can break your damn ankle at the the drop of the hat.

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Davey Richards: Option B is a Fight without Honor match. A match where the honor 2 competitors have invested in a match has vanished, the honor for one another is non-existent and the rules are thrown out the window, the match has no rules and will only end when someone taps or some has there shoulders pinned to the mat for the count of 3. This match type is something that actually describes what we have for one another, NO HONOR!!! I came from a company built on Honor, but there were always a select few who disregarded it and thats when these "Fights without Honor" came about. Well Christian there is no respect, there is no honor and there sure as hell is no happy ending in this match. I have always been about honor but when I have to step in the ring and the honor is not there it gives me the excuse to beat the living shit out of you as much as you want to beat the living shit out of me.

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Davey Richards: Finally, option C is a lumberjack match. A match which consists of me and Christian being stuck in that ring because if either of us stray outside the ring there is several of the XWL roster around the ring and they will pounce on anyone who exits. This means there is no escape, there is no breaks, there is no time outs and there is NO WAY OUT!!! That means you would have to face me man to man and I like the sound of that. Christian you won't be able to take the cheap way out and I would relish that chance to get my hands on you without you trying to duck and dive me. Ok so that is the options out the way and I have come to the conclusion on what I would want out of this and that is.......... One thing and to win the Intercontinental Championship, I don't care what match is picked, I don't care if it is option a,b,c I will win and I will become 2 time champion. I was happy for this to be a WRESTLING match and I would give the cliche 110% and I would this time succeed, but it has gone too far for it just to be that 5 star technical wrestling match, this is not a wrestling match because will be a fight, this will be a battle and this will be the end of the war and the end of me HUNTING YOU!!!!

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Davey Richards: Before I leave there is just one other thing. I was watching backstage on the monitors and I saw that I was announce as choice to face the XWL World Champion. Well tonight my mind is totally focused on getting my Intercontinental Championship back but when the World Championship comes a knocking on my door then I have no problem in accepting. This is what I am working towards, I joined this company to reach the top tier and prove to you all that I am one of the best wrestlers in the world and I cannot prove that until I hold that Championship. The XWL World Championship is the most prestigious championship in the world and it would be an honor to get an opportunity. So I know that the other options are all worthy of getting this match but I would urge you all to vote for me and let me show you how damn good I am and let me be YOUR CHAMPION!!!! Vote well, but if I do happen to miss out on the most important opportunity of my career it will not stop be from clawing to the top by beating anyone who steps in my way. So Michael McGuillicutty, Ted Dibiase beware because this WOLF has you in its sight and THE HUNT IS ON!!!!!!

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Davey does his cut throat taunt then walks off back into the building and to get back to preparing for his match.
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 8:28 pm

Damn Real

I liked the little Christian/Angle thing you had at the start, nice continuation from the previous post and the idea of them having a quick face off is cool. Angle getting right to the point and bashing the PPV idea because it puts his fate in the fans hands was a great point, that's really good heel work. Your character as Angle is interesting, all about wrestling and not the gimmicky kind of deals such as a first blood. The breakdown of former champions in XWL only to reveal the one gold medalist in the company seemed like something he'd really say. I think a Kurt Angle run with the 15 medal could be special if you had a long run as him, because he's the kind of character who fits perfectly into that mould for a weekly title like that. Great promo as usual.

Fav Line

"I'm the personification of wrestling, I'm wrestling at it's finest, and unlike all the second best wrestlers in the XWL who love to call themselves the best... I have proof to back it up!"

Teddy needs to keep his ho in check, holla

The first paragraph instantly seemed very bitter which what it seems like you were going for. I'm glad you're turning Eve heel because she's been in need of freshening up for the past while. Doing the heel turn mainly on Teddy is good because he's a character that's good to get sympathy out of. The third paragraph is where you really let loose on Teddy and you're already playing her character like a bitch. Completely friendzoning him and verbally ripping him apart, a lot of good lines in there. GOD DAMNIT ASH DON'T DO THIS TO TEDDY, I ACTUALLY FEEL BAD FOR HIM. But that proves that your promo'ing ability as her is already at a top level, can't wait to see your character as her progress.

Fav Line

I'm not choosing one because I'm too mad at you for breaking Teddy's heart plain mischief: noooo

Jiu Jitsu Jackoff

I was hoping you would do a promo on the big announcement by Vickie. This is a promo that showed a lot of heart because there is a lot going on for Davey at the moment. Running down each of the match types and how you would capitalize in them was very fun to read, especially since it refreshed the match types for me. I myself hope that the fight without honor is chosen because that could be a hell of a hard hitting match. Your talk of the IC title match in this promo got me really pumped up for the result of that match, I've enjoyed your feud as a Davey/Christian feud was unseen in XWL before. The last paragrpah on the voting options was good, showing that Davey is as always grateful, but he takes it one night at a time and is in tunnel vision for the IC title which I like because it shows how focused his character is. Fantastic promo.

Fav Line

"This match type is something that actually describes what we have for one another, NO HONOR!!!"
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 9:26 pm

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 UfvtM

*The theme of the current Money in the Bank holder and the number one contender for Ted DiBiase's World Heavyweight Championship plays through every speaker in the arena causing the live audience in attendance to boo the third generation superstar. He hasn't even showed his face yet and already the crowd is booing at the top of their lungs for Michael's actions leading up to the rematch from Unforgiven which takes place later tonight in the Main Event.*

{Michael Cole}
How dare these people boo a man of the stature of Michael McGillicutty? These people are nothing more than blind sheep.

{Jerry “The King” Lawler}
Calm down, Cole, don't act like our loyal fans can't express their opinions and boo or cheer who they want. They paid good money to be here so it's only fair.

{Jim Ross}
I agree with King, they paid their hard earned money to attend this event and therefore they should have the freedom of supporting who they want.

{Michael Cole}
I understand that. What I don't understand is why these people would boo Michael, his accomplishments in this company are well documented, a former X-treme Champion, the current Mr. Money in the Bank, the number one contender for the World Championship and on top of all that, he's a third generation superstar. It doesn't get better than that. In the short time he's been here, he's already got more accolades than a lot of the “veterans” did when they were in Michael's spot.

{Jim Ross}
I'm not denying that this man is talented but the reason our fans boo him is because of the way he carries himself. Sneak attacks and underhanded tactics could only get you so far. It's only a matter of time until Michael has to rely on his natural ability to get him out of a tough spot.

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*Michael walks out from behind the curtain, noticeably without his Money in the Bank briefcase, and stands on the stage, absorbing the boos as if they were fueling him for one of the three possible matches he could compete in. Whether it's a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, a Hell in a Cell match, or a Street Fight, you've got to believe Michael is prepared to handle the worst. He does his usual taunt on the stage and begins walking down the ramp with a smile on his face. He continues down said ramp, ignoring the fans jeers and hisses, before reaching the ringside area. He walks towards the steel steps and picks up the mic sitting on the top step before climbing up onto the apron, launching himself into the ring over the top rope. Michael stands firm in the center of the ring. He raises the mic up towards his mouth as his smile slowly fades.*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 B7VaX

Before I talk about what I came out here to talk about, I just want to get something off my chest. Daniel Bryan, you ungrateful bastard. You have the nerve to not only say you're not my friend anymore but you also take Ted's side in this. You don't have that right, if anything, you were never my friend, if you were truly my friend, you would've been at my corner at Unforgiven, the match could have ended differently than it did, so much for showing your “support.” Not only do you have the nerve to say we're not friends, you take my cameraman to Breakdown without my consent, if it weren't for me, Mitch wouldn't even been employed in the first place. So much for loyalty. It seems you two belong together after all, two backstabbers who jumped ship, afraid of the ass kicking they were going to receive. Daniel, do you know why I graced you with my presence in the first place? It was because I needed an easily manipulable lackey who I knew would do as I say without question, I needed somebody to take the heat in case things got too hot, in essence, you were a scapegoat. Nothing more, nothing less.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 K9upQ

Now that I got that out of the way, I had seven days of mental and physical preparation for three possible matches I could compete in tonight: a Street Fight, a Hell in a Cell, and a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. None of those matches will a walk in the park but when the bell rings and I'm crowned the new World Champion, it will all be worth it. Ted and I don't normally agree on a lot of things, hell, we're pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum but we do agree on something, the match we both hope is chosen, the Hell in the Cell. A deadly structure, twenty feet high, two tons of pure, unforgiving steel, a match I have yet to compete in and a match Ted has yet to win. Ted might have experience in those types of matches, but the fact of the matter is, tonight is my night, after a victory at Unforgiven and a double count out three weeks ago, it is my time to rise to the mountain top and claim what is mine, the World Heavyweight Championship.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 T3kZQ

Hell, it might not even be a Hell in a Cell, it might end up being a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. It is a brutal match, guaranteed to shorten careers and in certain cases, end them entirely. If a TLC match does in fact get chosen for our unholy war, what better way to take you out of the picture completely than by taking your championship and your career. That brings me to the final choice, a match that obviously favors me, a Street Fight. As the name says, it's an all out, anything goes battle for survival. If our past indicates anything, the Street Fight getting picked will lead the beginning of the end of your fluke championship reign. You've seen first hand the things I'm willing to do to get the win, anything from illegal weapon use to eye rakes to low blows. I don't care how I get the win, the only thing that matters to me is getting my arm raised.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 A57iP

“An Eye for an Eye and a tooth for a tooth.” You know, I can't find a better quote that suits our battles up to this point. Regardless of the match that is chosen, the inevitable war of wars will take place tonight so the second that bell rings, heed my warning, you better be ready for an apocalyptic war zone never before seen. I will not stop until you are left in the middle of the ring, lifeless, laying in a pool of your corrupted blood.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Otbn5

Ted, it's no secret I've awaken the dormant beast within you, I've awaken the hate you've been bottling up for two years, all your past failures, all the pain I've caused to you close friends and family. I forced you to let go of your petty emotions. This war isn't about Ted DiBiase versus Michael McGillicutty, no, not anymore, this is now a war for who leads XWL towards the future. Only one of us will be left standing and that man will be me. This will be the final chapter in this story and trust me when I say, there will be a happy ending, just not for you.

*Michael drops the mic and scales the second turnbuckle. He can be heard shouting, “Your time is almost up Ted!” and “Tick tock, Ted, tick tock!” He soaks in the array of boos, almost as if they're fueling his desire to become World Heavyweight Champion. He dismounts the turnbuckle and exits the ring, taunting the fans on either side of the barricade as he walks up the ramp. He makes it to the stage and turns around, shouting, “Your countdown starts now, Ted!” He turns back around and walks through the curtain as a video package for the Intercontinental Championship match that takes place later tonight begins to play.*

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 7:35 am

Legal's promo rev- wait wat

It's cool to see you promo right away in your return, the fact that he talks about Bryan before Ted shows how crushed he is at the bromance dying. The first paragraph was very enjoyable because it was different and it makes me want a Bryan/McGillicutty feud someday which I hope you do. Bringing up how Ted has never won a Hell in a Cell was a great point and how you turned that to be your advantage. This promo really seemed like the calm before the storm, and it was awesome as I expect from you. You had a lot to cover and you did it perfectly, you haven't lost a step in promos in the past month it seems. Running through the different match types was good too, you made them all out to be equally brutal.

Fav Line

"Daniel Bryan, you ungrateful bastard."
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Ze Ben
Ze Ben

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 1:37 pm

Digital Decision is back and the results for the JBL vs midget match come in. The results then show on the titantron.

Parking Lot Brawl 52%
No Disqualification Match 29%
Steel Cage Match 19%

Jerry Lawler:
Well I guess the JBL vs midget match will happen in a Parking Lot Brawl next up right here at Digital Decision.

Jim Ross:
Well before that match king we are going to take you backstage as JBL is for some reason backing his thing and leaving the arena.

Jerry Lawler:
I wonder if this has anything to do with his loss of his XWL 15 Medal earlier on in the show after he was defeated by the Intercontinental Champion Christian. So lets go backstage now to see whats going on.

JBL is walking out of his locker room following him he is holding his suitcase and seems to be heading for his limo in the parking lot.

Jim Ross:
Doesn't he realize he still has his match against the midget next up. Is this it he is just leaving and letting the midget take his money.

JBL opens the limo and out of the limo jumps out the midget giving him a surprise attack on JBL knocking him down to the ground. The midget goes to a car near the limo and opens up the boot. Inside of the car boot was a variety of weapons he can use on JBL. He picks up a barbed wire bat to start with A ref then comes into the parking lot and the match officially starts.

The midget walks up to JBL and starts battering the hell out of him using the barbed wire bat. JBL is helpless after the grueling 15 minute iron man match beforehand which took up all of his energy. After awhile of attacking JBL the midget stops JBL looks dazed and falls to the ground. The midget goes for the pin



KICKOUT! by JBL. You can now notice JBL has been busted open and blood is pouring all over his body he looks lifeless

The midget then irish whips JBL into a car window which makes JBL roll onto the roof of the car. The midget then proceeds to climb to the top of a nearby ambulance.

Jerry Lawler:
What is the little guy doing up there get down and fight JBL. OH WAIT NO dont jump on JBL. Your only little you can get yourself hurt up there.

The midget stands proud on top of the ambulance before promptly jumping off. JBL quickly gets out of the way just in time and the midgets splats onto the car roof.

Jim Ross:
OMG! The little guy has guts but he just came out short with that dive. It looks like this is over for him.

JBL finally gets up and notices what has happened to the midget and smiles and laughs he knows its all over now. He drags the midgets unconscious body and with it climbs up the ambulance. Once they get up JBL put the midget in a powerbomb stance taunting with his signature powerbomb taunt. He then powerbombs the midget through the car roof from the ambulance causing the car alarms to go of. He quickly gets down from the ambulance and goes for the pin.



JBL wins the match he gets off the car and raises his hand in victory. He then suddenly passes out onto the concrete floor.

Jerry Lawler:
We need the medics both guys are injured out there they need help.

The medics come for both of them and they get taken away on stretchers as Digital Decision fades to commercial break
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 1:54 pm

*We head backstage here in Las Vegas to see none other than the Big Show. We've heard from his new partner, Kurt Angle, twice so far tonight, but we've yet to see what the Giant himself has to say. Matt Striker is seen in view and it's apparent he has some questions ready for the World's Largest Athlete so let's sit tight, and listen to what they have to say.*

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[Matt Striker] Hello Big Show and I have just a few questions for you here. First up, what led you to unite with Kurt Angle?

[Big Show] Well, I thought it was really simple. It doesn't take someone with a brain as small as most of these fans' brains to realize that me and Kurt, we have something in common. While I'm the World's Largest Athlete and the only Giant in XWL, Kurt Angle is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in XWL. We realized that I have the size, the force, the strength, that no one else here has. With my strength alone I could take any man in this industry. And then we realized with Kurt's skill, technical wrestling skill, just being the all-around wrestler that he is, his small size won't matter because he can beat opponents of any size. What he lacks he makes up for with raw wrestling talent. And once we figured that out, it became clear to people of higher intelligence like us two to know what to do. We had to come together and dominate XWL as a duo, because alone, we could win titles, we could do whatever we wanted. But it's only together that we could dominate twice as much, win twice as many titles, and no one would have a chance of stopping us because we'd be the best alliance this company has ever seen. We're better than Team Perfection, better than The Corporation, and we're better than Awesome Truth or any other team you can name.

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[Matt Striker] While you certainly sound confident, you also spoke about being able to win titles. You must know your name isn't at the top of the list for a World title shot, so what title are you going for?

[Big Show] I thought it would be suiting that I go for a title that isn't usually held by the most respected individuals seeing how much these people disrespect me. The X-Treme title is a title that's been misused for far too long, just like me. There was a time when the X-Treme title could have been argued to have been a major title, but that's all gone now. There was also a time I could have been argued to have been one of the best in this business, but the only person who still believes that is me. That's why I put my name down for the X-Treme title so that I can show just what a Giant can do with weapons and I'll bring back the X-Treme title's prestige, and my reputation.

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[Matt Striker] Interesting. So now, I hope you can answer this question for me. Do you have any knowledge of who the fans voted in to face Crimson?

[Big Show] In fact, I do. It seems that the fans want to see Crimson demolished here in Las Vegas, because they didn't pick Ezekiel Jackson, and they didn't pick Curt Hawkins either. They chose the World's Largest Athlete, the biggest in the business, and they want to see him go against Crimson. I'm glad they picked me, it shows that the fans are smartening up a little bit. Curt Hawkins against Crimson, anyone in their right mind would take a bathroom break.. But sadly, when they came back both men would be hugging after they both decided fighting wasn't the right choice and they'd rather be friends. But if they chose Ezekiel Jackson vs. Crimson, we'd have to see it a million times because Ezekiel Jackson would have his ass handed to him then shout "Conspiracy" and the company would give him as many rematches as it takes for him to finally win.

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[Matt Striker] Alright, my last question for you. With King of the Ring approaching, you have to be thinking about it. Do you like your chances of getting in it?

[Big Show] To be honest with you Striker, I don't care if I'm in it. King of the Ring is good for someone like Kurt, but not for me. I don't want the stupid crown or any of the "pride" that you get from winning it. I don't even care about the guarantee'd spot in the Elimination Chamber match you get from winning it because honestly, if I really wanted to be in the Elimination Chamber then I'd rip the side of the Chamber off, and I'd walk right in it. No one would oppose me being in it because if they did, they'd be the first victim for me to eliminate. I already know that I'm the real king of XWL, because no one can tell me otherwise, I don't need a pointless tournament like this to prove it.

[Matt Striker] Well Show, thanks for the interview.

[Big Show] I don't want your thanks.

*With that the two are left standing in the room as the camera begins to fade into whatever segment we have scheduled next for this Digital Decision that will be full of action packed wrestling and promos!*
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Main Eventer

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 2:30 pm

*As the camera pans away from Matt Striker's interview with the Big Show, we are taken backstage to a shot of 'Dashingly Insane' Cody Rhodes walking down a corridor.*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_002

Cody! Wait up!

*Surprisingly, Cody actually turns around with a smile on his face.*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_005

[Cody Rhodes]
Hello Ed!

You're in a surprisingly good mood, Cody, what's up?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_034
[Cody Rhodes]
Oh, Ed, I'm in a great mood tonight. Sure, Zack might have cost me my match against Christian on Redemption, but that doesn't matter. Now I'm not in a good mood because of my possible World Heavyweight Championship match next week at Night of Champions, it's not even because Zack Ryder lost his X-Treme Championship earlier on tonight. The reason why I'm in such a good mood tonight is because tonight is the night. Tonight is the night where it all comes to an end. Tonight I clear the fog out of my way and I let the light shine all throughout the XWL Universe. And how will I accomplish this you ask? Well, it's because I get to end Zack Ryder in that ring tonight. That little cretin Zack Ryder has humiliated me time and time again over the past two months. Not only that, but he's made a complete mockery out of my brand, my show, Redemption. I am sick and tired of being stuck around here with him, and tonight I can finally write his eulogy and move onto the World Heavyweight Championship.

Well, Cody, to be fair you did start this.....

*Cody's demeanor quickly changes as he stares down at Ed.*

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[Cody Rhodes]
And? Your point? You know, Ed, it's stupid questions like those that put me in a bad mood. I was done with Zack Ryder at Unforgiven. I crippled him. I destroyed him in the ring. I was ready to move on with my career, but with the ego of Zack he couldn't let it go. He couldn't let the fact that the better man walked out go. I guess it's alright though because now I have a chance to redeem myself. I didn't get the job done at Unforgiven, so now I have been gifted the chance to redeem myself by taking out Zack Ryder here tonight. Now you know that I've always wanted to change this company, and for the better. I tried going straight to the top earlier this year with Mick Foley, but that didn't work out as well as I planned because of that schizoid Edge. However, I now realize it's changing the little things that can completely make this a better company. The little things like Zack Ryder. So not only am I going to save myself tonight, not only am I going to save Redemption, but I am going to save this entire company.

Cody, there are three different match options for you match against Zack Ryder tonight. A, Last Man Standing. B, Stretcher. C, Texas Bull Rope. Are you worried about the effect any of these stipulations could have on your match tonight?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_054
[Cody Rhodes]
No. Let me tell you why, Ed. At Unforgiven I beat Zack so bad he couldn't stand up on his own two feet. He had to be assisted out by our medical staff. You know who was the 'last man standing' then? It was me. Cody Rhodes. To top it off now, Zack Ryder was carted out of the arena on a stretcher. Kind of like the Big O when I attacked him in his own home. *Cody laughs as he reminds himself of what he did to the Big O before getting serious and speaking again.* You want to guess who wasn't taken out on a stretcher that night? That's right, it was me again. So what difference would there be tonight? At Unforgiven Cody Rhodes was the last man standing, and at Digital Decision Cody Rhodes would be the last man standing. As for Texas Bull Rope? I have no doubts I can beat Zack. My father made this match. It's in my blood. It's encoded in my DNA. And I have another edge of Zack in this match. This match is sadistic, barbaric, ruthless, and violent. You'd literally have to be insane to compete in it. See how this all works in my favor, Ed?

*Cody sheds a devious smirk before Ed asks his next question.*

Now Cody, earlier this week you tweeted 'After Digital Decision, it's time to save something else.' What is this referring too?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_070
[Cody Rhodes]
I've had a lot of people ask me this question. My followers on twitter, random people on the street, and even some of the guys in the back. I'm going to tell you the same answer that I told the rest of them. Be patient, and you'll soon know. However, it's a pay per view so I guess I can give a little hint. What I'm planning on saving has been turned into a mocker. It was once held in very high regard. Nowadays? It's nothing more than a joke. And that makes my stomach turn. This use to have prestige and value. Now it's worth nothing. Have you ever heard of the expression 'all the glitters does not glow?' This is a prime example of that, Ed, but when I get to change it. When I, Cody Rhodes, get to change everything about..... it's going to do a lot more than glow. I am going to bring it back into glory. I am going to make sure the entire WORLD recognizes it's value. It's no longer going to be a joke. It's no longer going to a be a prop. It's going to be something worth fighting for. Do you understand what I'm getting at, Ed? I hope you do. And I hope that very certain someone does too.

*Cody begins to cackle, until it's quickly wiped away from a familiar voice.*

[Teddy Long]
Holla, holla, holla!

*The crowd pops as Teddy Long comes onto the screen.*

[Cody Rhodes]
Oh, isn't it my favorite assistant general manager.

[Teddy Long]
Cody, I'm in no mood tonight for your antics after what happened earlier. Now, I will get a kick out of watching Zack Ryder fist... pump.... your face later on, but for now I'm here to tell you what match you're competing in.

[Cody Rhodes]
Alright Teddy, make it quick. I'm busy.

[Teddy Long]
Well then look over this way, playa.

*Teddy Long turns his attention to a near by television monitor.....*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RESULTSCODYZACK1

*After a few moments the screen quickly changes.....*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 RESULTSCODYZACK

[Teddy Long]
Well, there you have it playa. Good luck tonight. You'll need it.

*Teddy Long walks off with a smirk on his face, finally, as Cody Rhodes mutters to himself.....*

[Cody Rhodes]
I don't need luck..... I'm Cody Rhodes!

*As Cody is muttering to himself, a figure is seen looming in the background. Eventually he comes into view, and it's Johnny Curtis! The crowd pops as Cody turns around and is scared by Curtis and jumps back.*

[Cody Rhodes]
Who are you?

[Johnny Curtis]
Who are you?

[Cody Rhodes]
WHO AM I? I'm Redemption's Finest! I'm XWL's Savior! I'm the Dashingly Insane One! I'm Cody Rhodes! And don't you ever forget it! And whoever you are, get out of here.

[Johnny Curtis]
Not so fast Dusty.

[Cody Rhodes]
Dusty? Are you seri.....

[Johnny Curtis]
Look, I hear you're insane. Weird insane.

[Cody Rhodes]
Weird insane? What?

[Johnny Curtis]
I also hear you have quite the history with Mick Foley. And as you know Mick was attacked last week on Breakdown.....

[Cody Rhodes]
Let me stop you right there. I'm on Redemption now. I have nothing to do with Breakdown anymore. And sure, I might have a past with that ego maniac known as Mick Foley, but I'm no longer going to waste my time with him.

[Johnny Curtis]
Yeah, I know you're a little busy getting beat up by Zack Ryder every week, but I just have to ask you a few questions.

[Cody Rhodes]
What did you just say to me?

[Johnny Curtis]
I just have to ask you a few questions. Weird questions.

[Cody Rhodes]
No, before that you recreant.

[Johnny Curtis]
What did you say before that?

[Cody Rhodes]
Would you stop turning my questions around?

[Johnny Curtis]
Would you stop turning MY questions around?

*The crowd laughs as you can almost see the steam come out of Cody's ears.*

[Johnny Curtis]
Where were you the night Mick was attacked?

[Cody Rhodes]
I was on Redemption.

[Johnny Curtis]
Any verification to that?

[Cody Rhodes]
You can watch my match against Christian on XWL.com!

[Johnny Curtis]
Oh yeah, I forgot. It's the one you lost.

[Cody Rhodes]

[Johnny Curtis]
Now I hear that you've been seen with a tire iron backstage.....

[Cody Rhodes]
Attention ple.....

[Johnny Curtis]
.....and funny enough one was found near Mick Foley. Care to explain?

[Cody Rhodes]
Look, I don't know where you're getting all these fabricated lies..... probably from something like those garbage tabloids or those internet rumor sites or even that stupid XWL Newsletter that those morons use for 'entertainment,' but if I was you I'd get as far as way as possible from me or I'll.....

[Johnny Curtis]
Alright, alright, alright. I understand what you're getting at. I know you're a little busy getting ready for your match. So I'll just come back afterwards. As for now, I'll be in my office if you need me.

[Cody Rhodes]
Your office?

*Curtis smirks at him before backing up. He enters a bathroom, which has a piece of paper taped to the door reading "WEIRD OFFICE." Cody is both confused and angered as he storms off. Digital Decision fades to it's next segment.*
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Main Eventer

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 7:11 pm

You Decide The Stipulation

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 QSxdYXWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 QtFDF
Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker

A. Casket Match

B. Ambulance Match

You could say Randy Orton has been obsessed with getting his match against Undertaker… scarily obsessed. You could also say that Orton has driven himself mad to best The Deadman and has gone as far as to sacrifice his own father to prove a point to The Undertaker. From the moment Orton called out Undertaker to the fateful moment when one of them is carried out on a stretcher or an ambulance, this rivalry has been packed with emotion and violence and Digital Decision will be when it all peaks. That’s because Digital Decision is the show when this all ends once and for all, the mind games are over, the words mean nothing all that matters on this night is beating your opponent until you yourself are too weak to stand. Their encounter at Unforgiven was physical, it was painful to watch, but it will be nothing compared to when they pull out all the stops to best the other tonight. If you thought what they did to each other to get a three count was sickening, image the lengths they will have to go through to keep the other down long enough to get their opponent on a stretcher or put them inside of an ambulance. Taker vows to make Orton regret ever saying his name, and this will be night to make him pay. Orton savagely beat Taker with a chair to disqualify himself at Unforgiven, and this will be the night to make Orton realize what happens to those who think they can best The Deadman or use him to make a name for himself. Orton has been playing a dangerous game but it’s one he feels he can win and when it’s all said and done everything he’s done, the people’s he’s hurt, the words he has said will all be worth it.

As the familiar theme of the Viper Randy Orton hits the sold out Digital Decision crowd rise to their feet to greet the fan favorite who has had quite the night already, Before long Orton emerges from behind the curtain looking disturbed as he walks onto the stage twitching...heavily unstable...

[Jim Ross]
What's going through this young mans head? I don't even think he knows...

[The King]
He's attacked his father, Kane, Wade Barrett, Davey Richards, Chavo and even The Undertaker himself to get to where he is today, will all of these things be running through his head as he makes his way down the ramp?

Really? You guys think he cares about the things he's done?

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Orton makes his way down the ramp, scanning the arena, looking at the all the signs held high in the air as his vision begins to blur and his hearing completely stops. He is in his own bubble, trapped in the dusty recesses of his mind with nothing but sadistic thoughts...

[The King]
Who do you guys think will win here tonight?

I personally don't care, I'm hoping for both of these men to take each other out so that XWL becomes a safer place!

[Jim Ross]
Well due to the mental state of Randy Orton recently...I wouldn't put it past him to go all out and win here tonight, not only does he not care for Taker...He doesn't even have a regard for his own life, which like it or not, is what you might need going up against the Phenom.

[The King]
You can't count out the Undertaker as far as I'm concerned, plain and simple.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_006

Randy Orton takes a deep breathe before climbing up the stairs and along the apron before entering the ring with a malicious intent deep in his eyes...the gears turning in his mind as he climbs the top turnbuckle, taunting for the crowd while awaiting the legendary entrance of the Undertaker...

[Jim Ross]
Ladies and gentlemen this match will be as vicious as any you've ever seen!

But I wonder which match it's going to be!

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Normal_012



The fans in the arena rise to their feet almost instantly as the lights in the arena cut out and a dark mysterious aura fills the air...it's time for the single most legendary entrance in the history of the wrestling business, slow gongs break the tension as the crowd await the phenom...Randy Orton paces back and forth in the ring before ripping his T-shirt off and throwing it out into the crowd...The Viper waits a little longer before finally a shadow appears from the new found smoke on the stage only to be revealed seconds later as none other than The Undertaker himself!

[Jim Ross]
You can't watch this entrance and not get chills up and down your spine! In all of the years I've been a part of this amazing industry and I still get the same feeling of unease each and every time that gong hits...This match is going to be something special that's for sure, no matter the outcome.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 AG8Nk

The Undertaker slowly makes his way down the ramp as the smoke fills the arena, an eerie feeling joins it at he gets half way down the ramp, he slowly takes a few steps up the steel stairs and raises his arms into the air signalling for the lights to come back on...In the ring Orton watches on with a look of sheer anger like a caged animal waiting on its dinner, Taker enters the ring through the middle rope and takes of his hat and jacket throwing it to the wayside as all of a sudden the match results appear on the screen...



[Jim Ross]
What's it gonna be folks?

[The King]
I'm hoping for an Ambulance match!

No! I want a casket!

[Jim Ross]
I have to agree with Cole on this one, I wanna see a casket!

[The King]
But as always it's got nothing to do with what we want, it's all about what the amazing fans of this company have voted!

Idiots probably forgot to vote...

But to prove Cole wrong the match results appear on screen!



[Jim Ross]
Bah god guys! This is going to be an absolute slobberknocker!

[The King]
Oh! You've just got to favour the Undertaker now!

Look at these men, their absolutely itching to go!

The Undertaker watches the screen with absolutely zero emotion as the results show, Orton on the other hand let's a sadistic smile creep onto his face, you've got to wonder if he even cared which one was chosen...

The Bell Rings.

The quite, eerie, almost scary atmosphere in the arena takes a quick turn as both men meet in the center of the ring and waste absolutely no time in going hell for leather with big right hands! Each punch gaining a huge crowd reaction as these bitter rivals finally get another chance to get their hands on one another! The Undertakers vicious streak is soon revealed as he takes control, punching Orton straight into the corner and unloading on him with a flurry of boxing style rib shots before cracking him across the skull causing the Viper to fall to the mat and roll out of the ring, catching his breathe...

Taker has different ideas however as he follows Randy outside, the ever opportunistic Viper reveals that it was in fact a trap as he grabs the Undertaker by the hair and runs him face first into the steel ring post! Suddenly without any sign of warning Orton charges straight into the Deadman spearing him to the floor before unleashing a barrage of big forearms and axe handles to the face but Taker manages to quickly shove him off as Orton rolls towards the commentators table! Taker gets up to his feet and charges towards Orton but the cunning Apex Predator drops him with a drop toe hold smashing his face off of the commentators table!

Orton begins to grunt in anger as he grabs Taker by the hair and picks him up only to slam his face down on the announce table full force! The sickening smash can be heard throughout the arena as his head bounces off but he doesn't get the chance to fall as Orton keeps a hold of him and spins him around and runs him face first into the ring post! The crowd are going insane for these two warriors as the match up has already descended to a straight up brawl! The camera then zooms in on Taker who has slowly gotten to his knees and is revealed to be bust wide open! Orton looks down and his day just got a whole lot brighter as he smiles from ear to ear at the blood trickling down the Deadmans face! He lets out a sadistic laugh before lifting his leg and booting the Undertaker square between the eyes! With Taker down momentarily Orton turns his attention to the steel steps as he pulls off the top section, placing them on the floor below before dragging Taker over by the head and slamming his face down on the steps! The blood splatters across the steel much to the joy of Orton who picks up the part of the steps he just ripped off, with the fans watching on in shock Orton raises the steps high above his head and...

NO! Taker low blows Orton out of sheer desperation causing Orton to drop the stairs behind him and double over in pain! The crowd let out a massive cheer as the Phenom gets a sudden burst of like and scoops Orton up by the neck and the leg before launching him like a rocket into the barricade! Ortons spine can almost be heard snapping on impact as he crawls along the floor in agony, writhing in pain! Taker throws his head back, whipping his head out of his face revealing the true extent of his cut, the blood is pouring down his face fast! He uses his right hand to run it across his face and pull it down, looking at his own blood in his hands...It's on now! The Undertaker looks like a pissed off bull as he drags Orton up to his feet before tossing him over the barricade hard onto the concrete like he's a piece of trash!

The crowd are going absolutely wild as the Deadman vaults over the barricade and picks up a rising Orton, nailing him in the face with a hard right hand causing him to fall backwards into the crowd across three people, two of which fall off their chairs...Taker however shows no sign of sympathy as he picks one of the chairs up and folds it before he raises it high into the air, bringing it down hard on Ortons spine! A loud agonizing yell pierces the ears of many fans around the arena as Orton crumbles to the floor, trying to drag himself through the rows to get away from Taker and catch his breath, Taker on the other hand? He's got other plans as he slowly follows Orton, walking behind him...Orton tries to get up but the second he's on one leg Taker quickly swings the chair hard across his spine for a second time!

Orton stumbles forward through the crowd before falling to the concrete once more, Taker is now a few feet behind but gaining in quick as Orton reaches the end of the row, Randy gets up and notices that Taker isn't far behind so he grabs the fan on the end seat and launches him to the floor, grabbing the chair he was sitting on and folding it up but it's too late as Taker cracks him over the skull with a chair for the third time! Orton falls backwards looking to be completely out cold as Taker throws his chair to the wayside, the terrified fan from before gets up and slowly backs away as Taker bounds over the Viper and picks him up by the throat, guiding him through all the fans and throwing him back over the barricade towards the ramp side of the ring!

Orton hits the mat below hard but it seems to have knocked some life back into him as he begins to stir, he crawls along the floor before looking up to see that the casket is right in front of him! He uses the casket to drag himself slowly up onto his feet and turns around to see that the Deadman is making his way over the barricade...Taker gets over and runs towards Orton but the Viper dives to the side as the Phenom crashes into the casket! Taker falls to the side and the casket barely moves an inch as both competitors begin to get an idea of how solid the casket is...Ortons look of pain and desperation moments ago transforms into a look of sheer hatred as he boots Taker in the stomach and stomps all over his back before pulling him up to his feet and dragging the dead weight over to the casket! Orton throws Taker in but only his top half is in the casket while his legs hang out...but it quickly becomes apparent to everyone in the arena that was his plan all along as Orton grabs the lid of the casket and brings it down hard on Takers back!

Orton quickly grabs Taker by the legs and drags him out of the casket before rolling him into the ring! Orton slides in after the Deadman before picking him up and Irish whipping him off of the ropes and when Taker comes back Orton hits the ground forcing Taker to jump over his back but when the Phenom comes back a second time Orton nails him with his signature scoop powerslam driving the Deadman into the canvas, now in full gear Orton runs off of the ropes and comes back before leaping straight into the air with a huge vertical leap, coming down on Takers head with a harsh knee! All fired up Orton paces back and forward in the middle of the ring before going to that faraway place in the back of his mind, he faces the crowd before smiling sadistically and spinning around, dropping to the mat, pounding his fists hard on the canvas as he stalks the rising Undertaker!

Taker slowly but surely gets to his feet and turns around right into the RKO--NO! The Undertaker uses all of his strength to pick Orton up and hold him high into the air, Taker runs over to the side of the ring before throwing Orton over the top rope and straight into the casket! Taker stumbles back for a moment but eventually finds the composure to clamber over towards the casket, Taker reaches through the middle rope and tries to shut the lid but gets a nasty surprise as Orton spits directly in his face! Randy grabs Taker by the hair and uses it to pull himself up to his feet! Orton steps onto the apron alongside Taker as both warriors begin to trade hard right and left punches!

Taker gets the advantage be kneeing Orton right in the ribs and swinging a huge clothesline but the Viper ducks under it causing Taker to do a complete 360 turn straight around back into an RKO ON THE APRON! Orton rolls back into the ring as the crowd go wild! He places both hands on Taker and slowly rolls him into the casket but he can't follow it up due to exhaustion so he falls limply backwards...The crowd are on their feet as they have no idea who will be the first back up, Orton proves it to be him as he crawls over to the bottom rope, he struggles to pull himself up at first but eventually he grabs the top rope and drags his carcas upright! But it may be too late to capitalize...Taker is already making his way out of the casket! He begins to slowly crawl out onto the apron, peering his head into the ring...

The crowd completely erupts into a frenzy of cheers as Orton backs up into the corner! You can see the gears turning in his head as he begins to grunt and stomp on the ground, Taker has no idea what's going on as he tries to slide into the ring a little more but Randy is already in that psychotic state as he charges forward full steam ahead towards the Deadman before punting him straight in the skull! Taker takes the full contact of the boot, knocked out cold he falls back into the casket! Randy Orton laughs like a maniac as he exits through the middle rope, standing on the apron, he grabs the lid of the casket and slams it down shut! Orton leans backwards with his neck against the top rope, completely exhausted but smiling nonetheless, he's finally buried the legacy of the Undertaker! It's over! It's all over!

Winner: XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 QSxdY

Orton enters the ring once more as his theme rings through the arena, he looks around at the fans as the months of feuding, the months of self conflict and on going torment in his own mind can rest...for now. He climbs the top turnbuckle, raising his hands into the air victorious! What's next for Randy Orton? A break? A championship match perhaps? Only time will tell as Orton hops back down off of the turnbuckle, he wanders over to the side of the ring and looks down at the casket, he has finally done it, laid the Undertakers legendary career to rest for good...Orton's got a sick smirk spread across his face as the crowd cheer loudly and chant his name but all of a sudden the crowds cheers turn to boo's which confuses Orton for a moment but by the time he clicks it's too late as...

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 2xLM7

Dolph sprints across the ring with a furious forearm to the side of Orton's head knocking him down. Orton doesn't have the time to shake the cobwebs from his head as Dolph continues the surprise attack with a barrage of stomps on the already exhausted Orton. Dolph takes a step back and slicks his hair back, he looks furious as he shouts "I didn't forget!" right in Orton's face. But to the surprise of the fans Orton slaps the taste right out of Dolph's mouth sending him back! Orton springs to his feet and jumps for an RKO but Dolph moves back and catches him in a sleeper hold! The fans begin to boo as The Viper is taken by surprise, Orton swings his arm trying to sway the angle of the move to get free but as seconds pass he begins to fade more. Orton drops to his knee's as a collective groan is heard from the fans in desperation. Dolph leans forward now causing much more pressure to be brought upon Orton and after a few more seconds Orton collapses in a heap. Dolph throws Orton's unconscious head onto the mat with a thud and stands above Orton. A furious set of boo's is heard as Dolph simply adjusts his shirt and looks left to right with a cocky grin.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 DG56y

Dolph kicks Orton right in the ribs while he's down and then gets out of the ring, he walks by the casket without even noticing it and he makes his way to the back after a complete mission.

YES! What an amazing show of athleticism by the Showoff!

[Jim Ross]
He assaulted a man after a grueling casket match and you actually like that?

No Jim, I don't like it...I love it!

[The King]
*Sigh* Well, regardless of what Michael Cole thinks...Randy Orton might have just buried his rivalry with The Undertaker but now it seems as though Dolph Ziggler has some serious unfinished business with the Viper.

Who can blame him! Randy Orton attacked him out of nowhere on Redemption!

[Jim Ross]
Well whatever way you slice it Randy Orton will not let this one slide and that's a promise.

[The King]
Maybe Ortons World Heavyweight Championship dreams will be put on hold for the moment.

If Randy was smart he would take his focus off of the title and place one hundred percent of it on the man who just choked him out in the center of the ring because Dolph Ziggler is young! He is hungry! He is dangerous and he will stop at nothing to destroy Randy Orton, how's that for a promise Jimmy boy? Haha!

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 5:48 am

Parking Lot Broll

JBL trying to back out from his second match was a nice addition due to how much of a cowardly heel he is. The midget taking advantage of this being JBL's 2nd match was expected, as he beats the crap out of him. I didn't expect the writeup to end so suddenly, it kind of ended when it had just started if you get me. It was still an enjoyable read for what it was.


I'm still not really sold on the Angle/Show team honestly, it's going to take a lot of time to convince me that it's going to work. But the first paragraph was good in the sense of explaning why they teamed up and the fact that they want more titles and power shows their characters are power driven. You made a mistake when you said they're better than Awesome Truth though. Show being the Xtreme Champ, if done right could be really good so hopefully that works out. It's cool to see Show voted in and I liked the way you revealed it. The part where he shrugs off KOTR saying it's for "someone like Kurt" seemed like a bit of an insult. I lol'd at the last line too, good promo. It's awesome to see a Big Show in XWL.

Fav Line

"I don't want your thanks."

Jon's underground diner

The first paragraph was solid, it outlined a lot going on and what's to come. I like how you used the pictures to set the tone for the promo, such as Cody staring at Ed. I liked the point that you brought up of how Cody as basically the last man standing at Unforgiven. I'm really interested to see the real meaning behind the tweet, when you said bringing back prestige I guessed the Xtreme Title. Awesome to see the bullrope was chosen, that could make a really fun writeup for you or Bang. The single promo at the start was great as always, your Cody promos come off as so solid with ease. I laughed so much at the Cody/Curtis segments, Curtis turning the questions around is always hilarious. Looking forward to seeing the rest of Curtis' investigation.

Fav Line

"Look, I hear you're insane. Weird insane."

Dolph Ziggler writeup featuring Randy Orton and The Undertaker

It's cool to see Casket chosen for the match, although you probably could've done a lot more with the ambulance. I had a feeling the match would have an explosive start and I'm glad it did. I didn't expect Orton to have such an advantage right away because he's kicking ass. Your writeups have always been fun to read because of how you can keep control of who has the advantage and not over-do it. The fact that The Undertaker of all people had to go for a low blow shows how relentless Orton is, but how crazy he's gotten. I like how quickly you had the tables turn with Orton crawling away only to have Taker follow him. I love how you had the little spot with Taker hitting the casket, then both of them realising how strong it is. Orton slamming the casket door on Taker's spine made me cringe, I liked when Orton spat at Taker in the casket just to get at him and save himself. The RKO on the apron was a nice spot to put Taker in, and punting him in the casket was the cherry on top of a kickass writeup. Fantastic stuff to read as always.
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 6:33 am

As DD returns from an advert JB is standing in the backstage area with Crimson

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Pdvd_025

Hello everybody and welcome back to Digital Decision the time of year when you the fans are in charge. Crimson, I've got to ask after last week on Redemption are you still 100 % ?

Of course I'm still 100 percent it'll take alot more than a couple of bald forty year olds to hurt me. Tonight is not about the past it's about the future, More specifcally it's about ME. Tonight 3 men are sitting backstage praying that they're not the one the fans vote to face me. They're all afraid of me, Last week when I went down to that ring only one man stayed there. Curt ran backstage with his pet in tow, Jackson was playing dead because he figured that if he didn't move I wouldn't see him and Big Show needed help. None of these men can do anything to hurt me.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Pdvd_026

Big Show has been chosen to face you, Aren't you concerned that Kurt Angle will get involved given their new partnership ?

Why would I be afraid ? What possible reason could I have to be worried about a guy that's pissed off a seven footer ? He's going to get what's coming to him in his match against Matt Morgan. Even if by some miracle he does try to get involved I'll just destroy him as well. Those two might be technical and they might be strong, But they're not me. I'm younger,better and I actually have hair on my head. Angle looks like an egg and Big Show has that horendous beard. They're both not even worth my time, Having said that they could make for a fun warm up before my matches. I represent the future of this industry, They should've retired a long time ago. They can't keep up with the younger guys. My point can be proven by the end of that three way match on Redemption last week, Show was exausted and needed to have a rest for a few moments before getting beaten up by me. I don't know why Angle got involved with me and Show last week he could've joined forces with Show another time maybe even tonight, But no he decided to piss off yet another young athlete that he's afraid of.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Pdvd_027

All right Crimson earlier tonight we heard about the King of the Ring tournament. Do you think that you're going to be one of the participants ?

No I'm not going to be in that sham of a competition because I don't want to be in it. Last week Vickie offered me a place in it and I turned it down. That might sound like a stupid choice to make to the idiots in the arena and certainly to some of the wrestlers in the back. Last year Evan Bourne made it all the way to the final where he then got beaten by CM Punk. After that he went spiralling down to the point where he lost to Mason Ryan. He was a world champion yet no one ever talks about him. Almost a year has passed and that's still the only match he's had that people've paid attention to in all that time. So in short I'm not going to be in it because I'm just too good for it.

That was Crimson ladies and gentlemen please enjoy the rest of the PPV

DD then fades into the next segment

Last edited by sdogg50c on Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 12:48 pm

*XWL cuts to the back as we see Matt Striker interviewing Sheamus it must be about his match tonight against John Cena. Sheamus is looking in a great mood due to the all the damage he had done to Cena over the past few weeks. Matt Striker introduces himself to the XWL Universe and begins the interview with Sheamus.*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus5-1

[[Matt Striker]]
Sheamus, it’s a pleasure tonight is a huge night for as you’re going to be facing off against the man that you’ve been basically beating up the past few weeks. Do you see John Cena as a threat tonight as you have never actually faced him one on one. Is this something you have thinking about leading up to your match over the last weeks?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus1-1

Do I see John Cena as a threat? That is a very stupid question why would you even bother asking such a question. Have you paid attention to what I have been doing to Cena? Every chance that I was given I attacked John Cena do you know why Matthew? I see Cena as such a weak competitor that I want to beat him down until he realizes this. John Cena thinks he can come out to the ring do a little rap about me and act as if he can get away with it. I strongly believe that a man who continues to talk smack about another man after they have constantly been getting their ass kicked is a glorified moron. John I hope you are listening to me right now because it will make you understand that tonight is a huge mistake for you. Stepping into the ring with me is like stepping into the ring with a pissed off bull. You are not stopping a pissed off bull there is no way of you beating me I’m telling you not being biased at all. Hell, I give Cena one thing that he’s been on a roll as of late racking up wins. Nevertheless, so have I since my return to XWL I have been dominating everyone that has stepped into the ring with me. After I am done with you Johnny boy I’m going to take aim at something worth going for. A title something you will never hold again in XWL because you are worthless.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus2-1

[[Matt Striker]]
Well Sheamus you bring a lot of good points to the table but please don’t take offense to this. I think John Cena as a chance of beating you he has shown over the past weeks that he is not taking any of your garbage anymore. He is tired of being attacked from behind he wants you one on one and I think he has what it takes to give you a run for your money. In addition, Sheamus not to sound like dick but you were the one who started this whole situation. This whole situation probably could have been avoided if you just admitted you attacked Cena.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus6-1

Are you trying to lose your teeth Matthew? John Cena having a chance of beating me HA that is a very funny joke. The fact that you try to defend that poor excuse for a human being humors me fella. I told you he brought this upon himself he deserved what I did to him 3 weeks ago. I regret one thing I should of just came out with a metal pipe no masks no nothing and just beat him until he forgot his name. I hate John Cena he is a mockery to XWL. I wish one of the options was loser is fired because I would pay people to vote for that. Cena needs to just get up and leave XWL for good he is not benefiting anyone by being here. Tonight is going to open a new chapter in XWL as “The Great White” Sheamus absolutely destroys a pitiful excuse for a wrestler known as John Cena. Matthew have you seen the options for the matches tonight. A steel cage, ladder match, and my favorite an Irish Brawl. The only chance of him beating me is if we are in either a ladder match of a steel cage because all he would have to do is avoid me to win. In an Irish Brawl Cena will not be able to avoid me. I will be on that man with constant pressure throughout the match. The only possibly way I will stop is when I win or when he is dead. I’m glad this whole situation started Matthew because I brought reality to John Cena. I’m showing him right now how it’s like to be a man and actually fight elite competition.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus3-1

*Matt Striker is looking very scared at the moment he is a tentative with his questions*

[[Matt Striker]]
No, I am not trying to lose my teeth I rather enjoy my teeth. However, after that response I concluded that you are not going to stop until Cena is given a good beaten. I rather agree with you Sheamus you are a top wrestler here in XWL I believe you do have what it takes to beat John Cena. On the hand, there is always a chance for an upset. I mean like that has happened before in XWL you never no. I am not trying to say that you may lose this match. I’m just trying to let you know there is a small percentage. Lets move on shall we, my next question for you is do you think that Cena as any tricks up his selves that he is going to pull out tonight? Also, same question for you do you have anything special that you going to debut tonight in your match?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus8-1

Good job fella you are on the right track right now. Its good to see people agree that Cena has no chance of defeating me. It’s like putting midget up against JBL do you actually believe that the midget actually has a chance unless he has a pocket knife him. I’m just going to ignore the fact that you said there is a chance for an upset. Let me get this through your head I don’t lose so Cena getting an upset win isn’t going to happen. Now that we have that settled, John is known for not having anything special up his selves. The man can barely wrestler what makes you think that he is going to pull out some tricks tonight with a man who can most likely reserve majority of the moves he does. Matthew I do got some tricks up my selves and that trick is called a pipe and my boot. I don’t care what match is chosen tonight. “The Celtic Warrior” is going to smack him with that pipe and kick him right in the jaw with my boot. You better hope XWL pays for your hospital bills if not then you are going to be in large amount of debt my friend. Wait.. why did I say my friend I hate John Cena I would even consider that man a friend I would rather chop my foot off and never wrestle again than be friends with John Cena!

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus4-1

[[Matt Striker]]
Well now that we understand that you are completely serious about your extreme hatred for John Cena. Let me ask you do have any plans to continue with Cena after the pay per view or is this the last time you want to step into the ring with Cena? You see to be in the prime of your career I think a series of matches with Cena would be good for you to settle both of your wild emotions don’t you agree?

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus9-1

*Sheamus ponders the question for a second*

Have you not been listening to me this whole time Matthew? What part of I’m going to destroy John Cena don’t you understand? Is it hard for you to comprehend that I’m not attempting to have a “Best of 7 series” with this man. I’m going to go into the ring and finish what I started then move on to something worth trying for. A series of matches wouldn’t be good for Cena what so ever because after this match Cena is going to realize what a true monster I am and not want to face me ever again in a match. My emotions will be settled tonight it’s time for me to show why I deserve to be in the spot light.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus10-1

*Matt Striker is getting ready to ask another question what Sheamus cuts him off as he's going to finish his thought*

Actually fella I just thought about it you have been defending John Cena in ever which way right now. Is there something you are hiding from me ? Are you a Cena fan Matthew?

[[Matt Striker]]
As an interviewer I will not say who I favor or not.

No fella I think you are a Cena fan. How cute is that and but on the hand how disrespectful is that of you to interview me when you already have a biased opinion for John Cena. Matthew do you like pissing me off because you are starting to get me even more pissed off then I am already. Actually that is good for me because I want to be in a pissed off mood when I go to the ring I want to be in the zone when I get into that ring. So thank you Matthew thank you so much I truly am grateful that you are a Cena fan. Why do you look so nervous right now? Do you think that I’m going to strike you or something? Don’t worry Matthew the only person that I’m going to strike over and over again is John Cena. I don’t need to waste my energy on you.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Sheamus11-1

*Sheamus gets in Matt Strikers face who seems to be shaken up at the moment. Sheamus is smiling very creepy in the face of Matt Striker.*

Please do watch my match tonight Matthew because all of what I said will be backed up. I'll so you why it's wrong to be a Cena fan maybe after tonight u'll realize that it's better to support the winning man not the beaten man. Do have a good night Matthew I appreciate the fact that you interviewed me thank you very much fella.

*Sheamus begins to turn around he turns back to Matt Striker and gets very close right in his face and fakes him out. Sheamus begins to laugh he bumps until Striker as he's walking away.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] What's that sound?

[Jim Ross] I don't know, sounds like someone is knocking on the door...

[Michael Cole] Who cares?

*A knock is heard at the door just then and while fans seem to be wondering what it possibly could be, Sheamus appears to know. Sheamus is now more determined than ever and he sets up to charge at the door, he charges and kicks the door with a brogue kick, knocking it down. A person is seen under the door and Sheamus devilishly grins, he must think it's Cena! The Celtic Warrior lifts up the door before slamming it on whomever lies underneath, he finally pushes the door off of the man and it is revealed to be.. a pizza guy! Sheamus must have forgotten that he or someone had ordered pizza to be delivered to Sheamus's locker room. Sheamus doesn't quite know what to do seeing as it's not Cena who he took out.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] That had to hurt, Sheamus must have thought that was Cena knocking on the door, but instead he hurt some poor delivery man! I bet that man was just expecting to make a couple of dollars for his family and now he'll probably be spending his night in the hospital!

[Jim Ross] And that was one fearsome brogue kick too, I think if that had been John Cena after all, there might have ended up being no match between the two tonight.

[Michael Cole] That's an understatement. If that brogue kick had connected with John Cena, there wouldn't even be a John Cena anymore! It's just a shame Cena sent that guy in to do his dirty work, because now that guy will never be the same again.

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Cole... I don't think that Cena had anything to do with that guy..

[Jim Ross] Me neither..

[Michael Cole] Of course he did, because that's the type of a man Cena is, he doesn't care who he hurts. All he wants is to get what is good for him and in this case, that's Sheamus!

*When Sheamus appears to be about ready to leave the scene, out of nowhere comes Cena! John Cena has taken the first advantage of this feud and pounces on Sheamus, landing shot after shot, paying Sheamus back for everything he's done so far. Sheamus may have thought he was going to gain an advantage here, but the opposite has occurred. John Cena continues the massive amounts of punches, not stopping until finally it seems he's thrown as many punches as he could and backs off of Sheamus, a little tired already. John Cena notices a lone janitor's cart filled with all types of things that a janitor uses to clean, well, whatever a janitor needs to clean. Cena first takes the mop off the cart. The mop is then raised high in the air, and struck down on Sheamus's back. Sheamus grabs for his back in pain, but then Cena targets his leg with the mop. After that strike, John turns his attention to the back of Sheamus's head and delivers a mop shot!*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] John Cena is looking really fired up here.. I don't think I've seen anything like this before! All these weeks of Sheamus attacking Cena and Cena is finally extracting the first bits of revenge!

[Jim Ross] That is right, John Cena said when it was a fair fight that he would be the one with an advantage, and I must say, so far that couldn't be more true!

[Michael Cole] What are you two blabbering about? Cena used the distraction of the pizza guy to his advantage, and now what he's doing is no better than a criminal act! This is wrong, the match hasn't even started yet!

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Well if you ask me, Sheamus deserves it.

[Jim Ross] I agree with King, for all Sheamus has done, this just about serves him right.

[Michael Cole] Look, while I disagree with you about Sheamus deserving this because I'm the only unbiased commentator here, the way this has gone down obviously favors Cena. I mean, the match hasn't even started but he's got the advantage in it, that alone should tell you something!

*Cena throws the mop down in anger on top of Sheamus, and it hits his back with a thud.. The Leader of the CeNation is possibly noticing one thing that will bring shame upon Sheamus.. Cena sees the janitor's bucket of gunk that he uses to dip his mop in. John takes the bucket of all sorts of gross things that have been mopped up, probably including throw up, and all sorts of other things you wouldn't want to touch. And he does the unthinkable... Cena dunks Sheamus's head in the water!*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Haha, Sheamus will smell that in the morning! That bucket must be full of all sorts of horrible, foul, smelling things. I almost feel bad for Sheamus, this could make him sick!

[Jim Ross] Cena is certainly determined now as much as ever.. If he's willing to put Sheamus's head in... that... then you have to bet he's willing to do a heck of a lot in this match!

[Michael Cole] That is just disgusting, John Cena is a living, breathing, monster. That bucket probably has the most disgusting things in it and Cena has no remorse as he barrels Sheamus's head into it, what is wrong with him!

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] It's called revenge, Cole.

[Michael Cole] No it's not, revenge is having a fair and clean match where you beat the person who you want to get revenge on, this is just beyond that! This is wrong in every way possible!

*Sheamus is struggling to get his head out of it as he clearly can't breathe in water, but he's unsuccessful until John finally lets him out. Cena clears a bunch of things off of the cart before lifting up Sheamus. Sheamus is a little bit light headed right now and it's clear to see he's not in the right state of mind after being held underwater for what seemed like at least half a minute. Cena lifts Sheamus up and delivers a fisherman suplex that places Sheamus, back first, on top of the cart! Cena quickly begins to peddle Sheamus down the hallway and no one quite knows where he's going... We pass a few XWL Superstars on the way there, Big Show and Kurt Angle seem to be having a discussion of some sort, and we see Matt Striker straightening his tie... Odd, but we finally realize where Cena is taking Sheamus...*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Cena is determined here, evr since he came into contact with Sheamus here he's been taking it to him. When will this end, will Sheamus even be able to fight back?

[Jim Ross] I don't know, these are professional wrestlers, wherever Cena is taking Sheamus on top of that cart Sheamus could probably get some offense in. But you have to respect what Cena is doing, he said that he'd pay back Sheamus for what he's done, and that's exactly what Cena is doing.

[Michael Cole] This is horrible, but how dare you guys question if Sheamus can come back! Of course he will, unlike Cena, Sheamus won't give up. He'll fight back and he'll show Cena just who- wait a second, where is that Cena is taking Sheamus?

*He's taking Sheamus to the spot this rivalry all began! It may have evolved over time, this rivalry may have even gotten a bit out of control at some moments, but it's back where it began... Cena's locker room. John pushes the cart right through the door and then throws it to the ground, letting Sheamus hit the ground. John begins looking around at all the things that are in their places that at one time Sheamus, under the mask of course, threw out of place. There's so many potential weapons in this one room, but Cena spots the one thing he wants to hurt Sheamus with the most.. the mask that started this all. John picks it up off the couch it was on and grabs it, he walks over to Sheamus and.. He begins to choke him out with the mask! Cena is squeezing the life out of a Sheamus who seemingly wasn't ready for a fight like this. He may have spoke a big game, but so far, he hasn't backed it up. Cena puts the mask on Sheamus now, but he puts it on backwards, so the very thing that once shielded Sheamus's identity is now shielding Sheamus's vision.*

[Michael Cole] Now that's just a dirty tactic..

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] How is that? This is a no disqualification match, anything goes!

[Jim Ross] Yeah and it's not like Sheamus hasn't done anything to Cena, as far as I'm concerned, this isn't nearly as bad as what Sheamus has done!

[Michael Cole] Let me backtrack a little to what King just said, this is a no disqualification match, but the match hasn't even started yet! That means that what Cena is doing right now should be punished! This is unjust!

*With Sheamus unable to see, Cena realizes this is a good chance to set something big up. Going along with the theme of making Sheamus's past come back to get him, Cena begins setting up a table, similar to the way Sheamus left him just last week. Cena finds the first table he can get his eyes on. He sets it up as quick as possible before bringing Sheamus to his feet, Sheamus then removes the mask to see what's going on but by then it's too late because Cena lifts Sheamus up onto his shoulders and delivers a devastating Attitude Adjustment through the table! The pain can be heard coming out of Sheamus as he makes a loud sound when he makes impact with the floor.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Revenge at its finest! Cena has now revenged each week of attacks from Sheamus, he used the mask against Sheamus, he put Sheamus through a table, and he's been fighting Sheamus just the way Sheamus has done to him over the weeks!

[Jim Ross] This is great, I love watching this!

[Michael Cole] How can you love watching this? This is cold hearted attack! I can't wait until Sheamus gets the upper hand, it will be any second now, and then, I'll be the one laughing! Because Sheamus is going to destroy that punk John Cena!

*The Leader of the CeNation seems about satisfied here and is about ready to pin him, he even drops to his knees ready to pin, but realizes the match hasn't officially started yet so there's no ref around. It's just at this moment he spots the earlier janitor's cart. He preps the cart, and puts it right side up once more. Cena picks up the battered and bruises Sheamus and throws him on the cart. John Cena begins wheeling the cart through the halls and we're not quite sure where he's going, until we see the curtain to enter the ring area. It's at this moment Sheamus finally gains some control when he jumps off of the cart. Cena was unprepared for that as he's essentially been taking it to Sheamus, but Sheamus quickly charges towards Cena, kneeing him in the gut. John falls to the ground, and a raging Sheamus is quick to make sure he gets Cena on the cart. Sheamus tries pushing it through the curtain, but Cena grabs the wall before he can! John uses all of his force to keep the cart from going through the curtain before jumping off. Sheamus attempts to run John over with the cart after he jumped off, but it's to no avail because Sheamus missed him. Sheamus's momentum takes him forward and Cena uses this to throw a few quick punches. Following these punches, John throws Sheamus back on top of the cart. After getting him on top of the cart, he quickly pushes it through the curtain and as they enter the ring area, Cena's theme begins to play.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Oh look, the action is coming towards us! Business is about to pick up!

[Jim Ross] Indeed it is, and now we can see what they're doing from here!

[Michael Cole] Finally, we'll be able to see what they're doing so we'll be able to see when Sheamus wipes that smirk right off of John Cena's face! I can't wait.

*Cena's theme song begins playing and the crowd get on their feet, well, mostly because of course there's those people who hate Cena and everything he stands for. John Cena salutes the people as he enters and they're going insane, Cena doesn't hesitate to resume the attack on Sheamus however, he pushes Sheamus down the ramp on the cart, close enough to the ring. He does this before taking Sheamus off of the cart and throwing him in the ring, Cena slides in the ring and the bell finally rings.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] And this match is underway, it's no disqualification, falls count anywhere, anything goes in this Irish Street Fight!

[Jim Ross] That's right, they can do anything, low blows, eye pokes, there's nothing the ref or anyone else can do about it! It's so exciting!

[Michael Cole] So that means there's no stopping Sheamus when he finally puts an end to that little rat, John Cena. And there'll be no excuses from you guys because as you just said, anything goes!

You Decide The Stipulation
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John Cena Vs Sheamus

Ding, Ding, Ding!

*However, when they slip in the ring and the match starts, Sheamus low blows Cena! The crowd boo, but there's nothing anyone can do as it's No Disqualification. Sheamus throws Cena out of the ring quickly and starts taking it to him on the outside of the ring with strikes. The Celtic Warrior sees the cart that carried him there and gets a plan with it... With Cena leaning up against the side of the ring, Sheamus gets an evil, evil, plan. The Celtic Warrior takes the cart and faces directly towards John... He does this for a second before charging forward and nailing Cena dead in the skull with the cart! Cena appears to be out and his head goes underneath the ring so we can't exactly tell. Sheamus has an evil grin on his face, a grin of the same type that has been inflicting pain on Cena week after week.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] That was insane! Sheamus just ran John Cena over with the janitor's cart! That is diabolical, it's insane, but sadly, it's allowed in this match!

[Jim Ross] Anything is allowed in this match, but did you hear the sound it made? I'm concerned for Cena's safety! That had to hurt!

[Michael Cole] I hope it did hurt, after all Cena has done, he put Sheamus through hell so far in this match, this is just what I've been waiting for. John Cena will pay for what he's done and Sheamus is the man to do it to him!

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Cole, are you crazy? There's no one who deserved that shot! That must have been an unimaginable pain and you're glad Cena took it! From my experience in the ring nothing hurts more than weapons, so I can only imagine what that felt like!

[Michael Cole] If by crazy you mean a very good and unbiased commentator, then sure, I'm as crazy as they come!

*Sheamus lays down next to John, thinking he's out cold, mocking him. He dares stick his head underneath the ring apron as well, but that turns out to be a big mistake because the second he does so a clattering sound is heard loud, Cena had a trash can lid under there! Sheamus backs up, stunned, and Cena takes the rest of the trash can out. He throws it over Sheamus's head, and then picks up a wooden baseball bat he also found underneath the ring. Cena takes a couple home run swings towards Sheamus before Sheamus topples over in the trash can. Cena goes for a quick cover, thinking this may be it for Sheamus..*


[Jerry "The King" Lawler] This could be it!

[Jim Ross] Bah gawd that baseball bat shot looks like it did some damage, I wouldn't be shocked if it's all over!

[Michael Cole] It's not going to end like this obviously, Sheamus will win!

*But a kickout at two! Cena can't believe that Sheamus could still kickout after all he's already endured, but it did happen here at Digital Decision!*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] What a kickout! I can't believe that it was almost a three count!

[Jim Ross] You're right, if Sheamus had hesitated just a split second more, this match would be over!

[Michael Cole] You're wrong, because Sheamus wouldn't have hesitated a split second longer. He knows how much this means to him and he isn't going to allow Cena to beat him, no matter what, Sheamus will come out the victor here!

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*Cena attempts to lift Sheamus to his feet, but Sheamus delivers a quick poke to the eye. The crowd boo the dirty tactics, but Sheamus doesn't care, he doesn't care at all, all he wants to do is end Cena, he doesn't care how. Sheamus runs full fledged at the staggered Cena and tackles him in a Lou Thesz press, Sheamus throws punches to Cena repeatedly, and all Cena can do is take it. John finally catches a punch and then throws one back of his own. The punch itself isn't very effective, but it allows Cena to throw Sheamus off. The two begin to brawl at the side of the ring, Sheamus able to back up Cena to the start of the ramp once he gains control. The two continue to brawl, Cena being backed up all the way to the middle of the ramp, and sensing that he's losing control, John grabs Sheamus and attempts to jump off, taking Sheamus with him, but Sheamus somehow reverses it into a super-powerful Irish Curse! Cena's back can be heard hitting Sheamus's knee and it doesn't sound too pretty.*

[Jim Ross] Bah gawd what a devastating maneuver, these two men won't be the same! They had to be a good 5 feet in the air where they jumped from and to land like that, both men must be hurt, but John Cena has to really be in pain now!

[Michael Cole] Good! And this is why I picked Sheamus to win this match, he's a much better wrestler than Cena! John Cena thought he could pull a fast one and take them both out to save the embarrassment from himself, but it turned around and now he's done! This is over!

*Sheamus has no remorse, he hits the ground after the move as well because of all the strength it took for him to perform. The two both lay on the ground, neither doing very much. It appears that that the match is over.. Sheamus crawls over in an attempt to pin Cena.*


[Jerry "The King" Lawler] This could be it...

[Jim Ross] I hope not..

[Michael Cole] It's over..


[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Oh no.

[Jim Ross] Oh no.

[Michael Cole] Oh yes!

*No! What a kickout by Cena, he is resilient! The match seemed finish after that huge fall, but John Cena has willed himself up because he won't give up. Both men then lay on the ground, tired and it seems like no one is going to move again and the match is over but then, Sheamus proves us wrong as he regains his footing. The ref is on the verge of ruling John Cena unable to compete, but Cena begins to stir as well. However, he isn't stirring for long as Sheamus stomps him right on the shoulder, causing him to fall back down to the ground. Sheamus stomps out the grounded John Cena quite a few times before deciding that's no longer doing anything good enough. At the side of the ramp, Sheamus spots the exit to the ring area... Oddly enough, Sheamus walks right out the exit...*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] I'm assuming Sheamus has better things to do? This is odd..

[Jim Ross] I don't know what Sheamus has in mind, but I don't like the looks of this. Is he seriously walking out?

[Michael Cole] Of course he isn't, this is called strategy. Sheamus is getting the upperhand on Cena, I don't know exactly what he's doing, but I know he's going to continue the fight! Maybe he's looking for the pipe he's been talking about hurting Cena with?

*It isn't long before Cena realizes that Sheamus is gone and even though he's running out of strength from this grueling contest, he gets to his feet and walks backstage. John Cena can be seen searching backstage calling "Sheamus!" wherever he can. Cena is pacing around backstage, clearly frustrated this is how the match is going to end.. Cena then seems to resort to opening any door he can to try and find Sheamus, the first door he tries is apparently a locker room, but there's no name inscribed on the name plate. He pops the door open and looks in.. Only to see a cluster full of divas changing.. Cena raises an eyebrow, not having expected that and quickly closes the door. John Cena decides he's had enough of looking inside after that, and makes his way to the parking lot.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Maybe Sheamus is afraid of Cena, he could have just walked off, not wanting to fight him anymore.

[Jim Ross] Knowing Sheamus and the way he's treated Cena as of late, that wouldn't surprise me. But you have to think Sheamus wants a piece of Cena just as much as Cena wants a piece of him.

[Michael Cole] No you don't, obviously Sheamus wants it more. Like I said before, strategy. That's what this is, and John Cena will have no chance once Sheamus proves to be the smarter of the two once more.

*It isn't long before Cena's suspicion is proven right, Sheamus comes out of absolutely nowhere from behind and hits Cena right in the back with a pipe! Cena leans over as he's been hurt with the pipe, and Sheamus throws several more pipe shots until John falls straight onto the cement. Sheamus drops the pipe and pounces on Cena and throws punches to John now, but Cena reaches around to find a random crow bar lying on the ground near where he was taken down. John Cena reaches for it and after grabbing it, smacks Sheamus in the face, showing the first tear of blood thus far. Sheamus feels the blood on his face and puts his hand in it. He gazes at his hand with the blood from his face on it and is enraged, the bull is seeing red and he waits for Cena to stand up. It's like none of the other damage has taken place tonight because he runs as fast as a kenyan can and delivers a huge brogue kick to Cena, and though we've forgotten all about him, the ref is still following the two. Sheamus goes for a cover..*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Not again!

[Jim Ross] Come on, kickout!

[Michael Cole] Ahahahaahha, this is all over, you losers believed John Cena could actually beat Sheamus, well I knew all along!



*No! It's a very late kickout, the crowd can't believe it and begin chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit" as they cant believe what they're witnessing here. Although it's dark out, street lights light up the area enough to be able to see that the brogue kick really cut open Cena.. Both men, although wanting to win, can't will themselves to their feet. They want to be the man to win so badly, but they can't find it within themselves to stand. They both, slowly, make it to their feet, the crowd can even be heard on the camera despite being very far from the action, as they'd reacting a lot to this match. The two begin a slow paced brawl after all they've endured and then it's Sheamus who eventually wins, backing Cena into a car in this parking lot. Cena is leaned up against the car and defenseless, Sheamus nails shots to the face of the bloodied and battered Cena, before deciding it's time... Sheamus grabs Cena by the head and rears back... He propels him face first through the car window!*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Yeek, that had to hurt. But I feel bad for the person who owns that car, they're out a window!

[Jim Ross] I feel worse of Cena's face, he's wearing the proverbial crimson mask and I don't think that is going to help matters at all!

[Michael Cole] Look at this, Sheamus just needed to warm up a little. Ever since they got to the ring, Cena has had no chance. Not that he had a chance earlier either though.

*Sheamus is looking to pin to Cena after that, but it's near impossible between the shattered glass all around, and the fact Cena is in the air on top of the place the window used to be. Sheamus yanks Cena out of the car and throws him to the ground. The Celtic Warrior then steps on top of the car... What could he possibly be planning? He then waits and stalks, for Cena to get to his feet... Cena finally wills himself to his feet and Sheamus launches himself in a moonsault, but somehow the very hurt John Cena is able to catch Sheamus! He throws Sheamus high onto his shoulders before he gets an idea.. Cena carries Sheamus onto the back end of the car that his face was thrown through, John finally launches Sheamus forward with an AA, onto the roof of the car. The roof caves in, making this the perfect spot to pin Sheamus! John pins Sheamus and the ref counts using the back end of the car as the mat to count on.*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] I think this is it, there's no possible way to kickout of that spot!

[Jim Ross] The roof of the car damn near caved in there, I'd be shocked if Sheamus was able to kickout of this one.

[Michael Cole] I wouldn't be shocked. You see, Sheamus is better than Cena. In every way possible, and that includes kicking out. If Cena could kick out after an Irish Curse off the side of the ramp, Sheamus can certainly kick out after an AA on top of a car!



[Jerry "The King" Lawler] Cole.. I don't think he's gonna kick out!

[Jim Ross] He isn't kicking out!

[Michael Cole] Just watch..


[Michael Cole] No!!! This is injustice! There's no way, the ref didn't see him get his shoulder up because it's too dark outside! No!!!! No!!!!! No!!!!!!

*Cena has done it! He's extracted revenge in the best way and although both men have blood on their face, Cena more than Sheamus, John Cena is able to have the pride of winning this match. His theme is blaring in the arena and the fans are pumped from what was an amazing match, but Cena can't quite bask in the glory like he'd probably want to right now. In fact, while Sheamus isn't moving at all, Cena is probably only a little better. He may be on his feet, but he's not doing very much more. Medical staff come out from inside the arena to assist both men after what was a very hard-fought contest. We head to commercial, wondering what will be made from the effects of this match? Will these men be at the next Redemption or will it require some time off? Only time will tell as we fade into the commentators.!*

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] That was one heck of a match, with that many weapons being used, you have to imagine that both men will feel it tomorrow when they wake up.

[Jim Ross] That they will. It appears they're feeling it now too since neither man can really react to the outcome of the match right now.

[Michael Cole] That was an unjust ending, Sheamus lifted up his shoulder and the ref ignored it! I demand a rematch!

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] I don't think either man is in any shape for a rematch right now... We saw weapon shot after weapon shot, at one point I thought this match would never end! And I wish it didn't because it certainly was a sight to see.

[Jim Ross] I feel like the fans at home got their money worth for a Pay Per View match from this one. Great work from both ends in that match, you could really tell they both wanted it so badly.

[Michael Cole] You can say it was a great match all you want, we all know that match stunk. Cena cheated, the ref cheated, Sheamus was screwed! That's all there is to it, but what's more important now is that we have to get to commercial break so...

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 1:23 pm

*Digital Decision returns from an advertisement for XWL's next Pay-Per-View, Supremacy, and is taken backstage where “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles is approached by a cameraman, starting this impromptu interview.*

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 7kn1i

{AJ Styles}
Before you say anything or ask me an obvious question Mr. Cameraman, just stand there and listen. Six days ago, I came out from the shadows and decided that after being defeated by you, Joey, not once, but twice, I was going to get one last chance at shutting you up once and for all. So I made a trip to Redemption and attacked you just like you would have done to me. Our history dates back to Final Stand a few months ago, I remember it just like it was yesterday, and I finally realized one thing, every time we are on opposite sides of the ring, you somehow manage to squirm away with the win. It happened at Final Stand when you took advantage of a naive Dolph Ziggler and walked out the new Intercontinental Champion. Then again six days before Unforgiven, when you stole the XWL 15 Championship from me. And finally at Unforgiven, when you managed to pull off a repeat performance in a rematch for said championship. Placing the blame on you would do nothing but make me sound like I'm making excuses, the fact is that I am the one to blame for those failures because I underestimated you Joey and rest assured, that will not happen again.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Uh05h

{AJ Styles}
Tonight we have a change to compete for what is seemingly the final time and it will be in one of three matches, either an Ultimate X Match, a Tables Match, or a Steel Cage Match. I will start with the match that easily favors me and will be an XWL first, the Ultimate X Match. For those of you unaware of this match, allow me to explain it to you, two cables are connected to the four steel pillars, one on each ring post, in the shape of an X and is suspended fifteen feet above the ring. In the center of the ropes is an object hanging above the ring and the first man to retrieve it will win the match. Now the people in the arena and those watching around the world via Pay-Per-View are probably wondering the same thing, “How does this match favor you?” It's real simple, in my career, I have won two Ultimate X match long before I joined this company and how many has Joey Ryan been in? That's right, none. So obviously, this match favors me.

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{AJ Styles}
The second possible match that could get chosen is up Joey's alley, a Tables Match. A match so brutal that you have to beat your opponent down just to put them through a wooden table, easier said than done. Joey's history with putting people through tables is well documented, even managing to put me through one and taking me out of action not to long ago. And finally the wild card, an ominous Steel Cage Match. Surrounded by fifteen foot tall walls of steel that tower the ring, a match that can be won by pinfall, submission, or by escaping the cage. A match where flesh is guaranteed to meet steel and the sounds of pain and mental anguish are heard as well as felt for days. It is probably the most brutal match of the three choices.

XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 ZTeUj

{AJ Styles}
Joey, five weeks ago you took my XWL 15 Championship and tonight, I will end your career, just like you tried to end mine.

*AJ walks off camera, possibly to prepare for one of the three grueling matches that could be chosen. He has to be both mentally and physically ready for the challenge ahead, will he be able to successfully defeat his rival or will “The Sleazy One” Joey Ryan come out victorious yet again? Only time will reveal that answer. With that said, Digital Decision fades to a video package for the Joey Ryan vs AJ Styles match that will pit “Sleazy” against “Phenomenal.”*

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XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: XWL Digital Decision: 7/1/2012 - 7/8/2012   XWL Digital Decision:  7/1/2012   -  7/8/2012 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 3:00 pm

As Digital Decision continues we are brought backstage where we see Kurt Angle walking the hallways

Look JR, it's Kurt Angle! It looks like he's ready to finally face off with Matt Morgan!

Finally is right, for the past month Kurt Angle has been avoiding physical confrontation with Morgan because, according to Angle, Matt Morgan is not on The Olympian's level. But if you ask me I'd tell you that Kurt Angle is scared of the seven foot giant!

Well now that Angle and Big Show have united there's no giant that should be able to scare or intimidate either of them! Kurt Angle told us that Big Show will not be a factor in tonight's match so that there is no excuse that Morgan can give for losing!

Well lets see if Angle can back up what he said... next!

We cut to a video package hyping up tonight's blockbuster main event before returning to Digital Decision where Kurt Angle's theme is blasting throughout the PA System along with the crowd's "You Suck" chants.

Here comes XWL's one and only Olympic Gold Medalist!

Angle walks out to the stage, lifting his arms in the air as his pyro shoots off.

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Justin Roberts
This bout is a First Blood No Disqualification Match, introducing first, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, He is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in the XWL... Kurt Angle!!!

The crowd's boos almost drown out Angle's music as The Olympian walks down the ramp yelling at the fans along the barricade, protesting that he does not suck.

I knew it, Kurt Angle was true to his word, he told us that he would defeat Morgan without Big Show's help and now here he comes down to the ring alone.  What a true American Hero! What a man of Integrity! What a role model! 

Angle stops on his way down the ramp in front of a young kid decked out in John Cena attire, stupid branded wrist bands and all, proudly holding up his "You Can't See Me" sign in front of Angle who smirks at the kid and performs the You Can't See Me taunt right in his face before grabbing the brim of the kid's Cena hat and shoving it over his eyes causing the crowd to boo even louder and restart their "You Suck" chants. Angle laughs until the kids father who is wearing a Stone Cold Steve Austin Shirt begins to yell at Kurt who flips the man off with both hands and keeps yelling "What" as the father continues to yell.

I hope Matt Morgan gives Angle the beating that he deserves.

Angle walks away from the barricade and walks up the steps covering his ears as the crowd chants "You Suck".

These people should be ashamed of themselves, Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist, he deserves respect!

Angle walks right up to the ring announcer and snatches the microphone out of his hand

{{Kurt Angle}}
Cut the music! Cut the damn music!

The music comes to an abrupt halt which only makes the booing sound even louder on it's own. Angle begins to speak but is immediately drowned out by an ear splitting "You Suck" Chant which only makes the Olympian angrier, causing him to shout into the microphone over the crowd

{{Kurt Angle}}

The crowd chants "What" in unison causing Angle to tighten up in rage as he shouts

{{Kurt Angle}}
Shut up with that damn word! The next person who "What"'s me is going to get suplexed so hard that they'll break their freakin' neck!

Once again the crowd "What"'s Angle

{{Kurt Angle}}
That's it! You people want a piece of me huh?

Angle slides out of the ring and begins to point at the fans along the barricade

{{Kurt Angle}}
What? You think you can take me? What? You want a piece of an Olympic Gold Medalist? What? Don't make me get Big Show out here! What? What? What? What? Wha- 

The crowd goes wild as Matt Morgan's theme interrupts Angle mid What.

Here he is, Matt Morgan, the Blueprint of Professional Wrestling!

He's the only seven foot giant with a set of abs that's for sure!

Morgan's theme continues to play yet The Blueprint is nowhere to be seen, all of a sudden the music cuts off and the titantron shows us Matt Morgan backstage laying face down on the floor.

Bah Gawd! What happened! That's Matt Morgan!

Angle, who is in the ring now, begins to laugh into the microphone before speaking.

{{Kurt Angle}}
Ha, Ha, Ha, Very funny Morgan. Look, I know you didn't attack me I heard and have proof that your alibi is true, so stop playing around and get you ass out here to the ring so that I can cut you open!

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A few medics begin to surround Morgan as Angle continues to speak

{{Kurt Angle}}
Oh come on! He's not really hurt he's faking it, he's just rubbing the fact that my attacker is now still a mystery in my face, and he will pay for it when that coward finally comes out here, oh it's true! It's Damn True!

The medics turn Morgan onto his back revealing a bloody gash on his forehead causing the crowd to "Ohhhh".

{{Kurt Angle}}
Really? You never heard of fake blood? You might have gotten some acting tips from The Rock Matt Morgan, but you're not fooling me! Come out here and fight me like the man you never will be!

A stretcher is brought out and the seven foot man is heaved up onto it by four medics who begin to carry Morgan away.

{{Kurt Angle}}
You better be carrying him out to the ring! 

Morgan is carried into an ambulance which drives off screen before the tron turns back to it's normal state

{{Kurt Angle}}
Well, Matt Morgan has left the building...

The crowd boos Kurt and restarts the "You Suck" Chants.

{{Kurt Angle}}
Oh no I most certainly do not suck, but Matt Morgan's acting, Matt Morgan's attempt to get out of our match, his attempt to set me up, that sucked! Tonight was the night that I was going to dominate Matt Morgan, I was going to have him tapping yet knowing that won't end the match, I was going to show him why I'm the best wrestler alive today, but most importantly I was going to make sure that he never wanted to face me... to bother me again. But did I get the chance to? No. Because Matt Morgan chickened out, Matt Morgan was afraid to face me and rightfully so. Yet although tonight didn't go as I expected, other than Matt Morgan leaving the arena a bloody mess, I would still consider this a good night seeing as I'm still The only Olympic Gold Medalist in the XWL, The Damn True American Hero of Breakdown, The proven Best Wrestler in the World, and unlike the XWL Universe I don't Suck!

We fade to a commercial as Angle drops the mic and walks out of the ring smirking while the crowd boos and chants "You Suck"
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